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Python typing mulligan
Use pytest's tmp_path fixture
Fiona 1.10.0
New home for Rasterio
Shapely 1.8.0
Shapely 2.0 roadmap
pytest.raises excinfo subtlety
Testing PySpark applications
Shapely 1.7.0
Rasterio wheels for Python 3.8
Fiona wheels for Python 3.8
Fiona 1.8.9 and GDAL 3
Rasterio 1.1.0
Listing open GDAL datasets in Python
Debugging temporary files using pytest autouse fixtures
Rasterio 1.0.25
Fix for Shapely's GEOS library loading bug in 1.7a2
Rasterio 1.0.23
Programmer migration patterns
Fiona discussion groups
Fiona 1.8.5
Rasterio 1.0.20
Today I work with the snake I've got
Rasterio 1.0.18
Rasterio 1.0.15
Support for GeoJSON text sequences in GDAL 2.4.0
Fiona 1.8.0
Fiona 1.8b1
Rasterio in Colaboratory
Fiona 1.8.0 Final Push
What's New in GeoJSON Text Sequences
Conda-forge is a NumFOCUS Sponsored Project
Shapely 1.7a1
Rasterio 1.0.0
Rasterio 1.0 Release Candidate Four
Rasterio 1.0 Release Candidates Number Two and Three
Rasterio 1.0 Release Candidate Number One
Rasterio 1.0b4
Rasterio 1.0b2
Rasterio 1.0b1
The plan for Rasterio 1.0
Fiona and shapefile encoding
Shapely 1.6.3
GIS Stack Exchange at its best
Mercantile 1.0.0
Good news for PyPI
Mercantile 1.0a1
Zipped Shapefiles on the Web
Trued Macosx Wheels
Wobbly Fiona and Shapely Wheels
Mock is Magic
Mercantile 0.11.0
Current status
Shapely 1.6.0
Python multi-line comments and triple-quoted strings
Rasterio sprint at PyCon
Moab from Landsat 8
Migration of my blog
Fiona, Rasterio, Shapely binary wheels for OS X
Shapely 1.5
Python at FOSS4G 2014
Fiona and Rasterio releases
SciPy Conference
Warping images with rasterio
Rasterio cookbook recipe number one
Rasterio 0.6
Fiona 1.1.1, rasterio 0.5.1
Interactive interpreters for Fiona and Rasterio
New home for rasterio
Rasterio 0.5
Rethinking driver management in fiona and rasterio
Getting shapes of raster features with rasterio
Shapely 1.2.19 and 1.3.0
Rasterio windows and masks
Teaching Python GIS users to be more rational
Is rasterio fast enough?
Some consequences of GeoJSON features as arrays
JSON diff and patch for GeoJSON
Atom extension for Tinkerer
Introducing rasterio
Linking GeoJSON
Fiona 1.0.2
Fiona 1.0.1
Fiona 1.0
Shapely 1.2.18
GeoJSON and the geo interface for Python
Fiona 0.16
Fiona 0.13
Fiona makes reading and writing data boring
Fiona 0.12
Fiona 0.10
Fiona 0.9
More Fiona
Shapely 1.2.17
Idiommatic Python is catching on
C programming, Python programming
TopoJSON with Python
Shapely Windows installers
The fading shape of alpha
Feed parsing and mapping
Python 3.3
Not as simple as it seems
John Hunter: 1968-2012
More IPython Notebook and Shapely
Shapely manual updates
Shapely 1.2.15
Reintroducing a Python protocol for geospatial data
Spatial for IPython HTML Notebook
Mapping and reducing
PyCon conference day ~0
Permission or Forgiveness
Zen of Python vector data processing
Feedparser and GeoRSS/GML
Geoprocessing for hipsters: translating features
Ongoing blog series
More learning from Haskell
Fiona, pyproj, Shapely in a functional style
Geoprocessing for humans: close() and with
Geoprocessing for humans: pygp
Geoprocessing for humans: date and time
Geoprocessing for humans: a pip requirements file
Shapely 1.2.14
Geoprocessing for humans: the Fiona manual
Fiona 0.6.1
Simplify terrible APIs
More Fiona and OGR benchmarks
Shapely from the outside
Fiona and matplotlib: simply plotting features
Fiona and Shapely: spatially cleaning features
Fiona's half-way mark
Lessons learned from Zope
Yours truly, Fiona
Notes on deploying a Pyramid app to Heroku
Shapely on PyPy
Python and WFS?
Command line JSON
Get with it
Upcoming geospatial tutorial at PyCon
Post-GIS Day 2010
In Rtree news
Shapely 1.2.4
Shapely 1.2.3
Shapely recipes
Plotting geometries on C and Java Python platforms
Python GIS workshop at FOSS4G
Python and GeoJSON
Shapely 1.2
Sorting features on spatial relations
Descartes 1.0
Windows installers for Shapely 1.2b6
Rtree 0.6
Shapely 1.2b5
Painting punctured polygons with matplotlib
Bootstrapping a Python project
de9im: DE-9IM utilities
PyCon interview with Sanjiv Singh
Saving bandwidth and more using httplib2
Shapely 1.2b1
Geospatial Jython
More features like open source Python GIS please
Plotting GIS shapes
Shapely 1.2a6 with pictures
Clear Climate Code
Manipulimization of whatchamacallems?
Shapely 1.2a1
GIS on Python Package Index
Idiomatic programming
Itertools to the rescue
Python GIS features
Iterators, again
Python idioms for GIS Education
Shapely, map, and reduce
Python and GIS 101
Shapely 1.0.14 released
Shapely 1.0.13 released
Unofficial Python GIS SIG
Another Shapely sighting
Reintroducing the GIS and Python Software Laboratory
Updates to the Shapely roadmap
Where's the book?
Rtree 0.5.0
Geo interface and Python 2.6
Rtree 0.4.3
OpenLayers buildout recipe
Buildout, Django, Solr
Rtree 0.4.2
Jack Camel
Diving into Shapely 1.1
New GIS and Python programming blog
Keytree 0.2.1
Transliterating from Greek and Latin
Plugins for Shapely
A more perfect union, continued
Efficient batch operations for Shapely
Mocking GEOS
Toward Shapely 1.1
More decoration
How to decorate Python GIS code
ESRI users discover setuptools and easy_install
I can has Python and GIS environments?
Geojson 1.0.1
TurboGears and MapFish tutorial
Get your Python 3000 geometries on
In defense of less sexy software
How to lay out Python project code
Shapely 1.0.11 and onward
Python logging
Multiprocessing with Rtree
Geo-enabling CouchDB
Beers and Python GIS in Praha
Adding pyproj to a buildout
Geojson and pyproj interop
Python packaging and builds
Shapely 1.0.7
Django on Jython
Geojson 1.0
Weak references
Shapely 1.0.6
Geojson 1.0 beta 1
Barrington Atlas Feature IDs and Unicode Normalization
GeoHash and BigTable
Shapely 1.0.5
OWSLib 0.3
Line Simplification
The Programming Historian
Shapely 1.0.4
QGIS Python Plugins
Python Geo Frameworks 2
GeoJSON 1.0a4
Python Geo Frameworks
Python re.cipe
Shapely 1.0.3
Google App Engine
Mush and Paste
Rtree 0.4.1
Fire Eagle and Shapely
Fire Eagle GeoJSON Oops
Fun With Shapely
More Open Source Geospatial and Archaeology
Python, MapServer, and WSGI
Iterators. Iterators. Iterators.
Shapely 1.0.1
Rtree 0.4 and Spatialindex 1.3
Rtree, Shapely, and WorldMill: Jamming Econo
Django People Map
Shapely 1.0 Final Release
Gdawg Mercurial Repo
Shapely Windows Installer
GDAL and GEOS Releases
Replicable Python Geoprocessing Environments
Python GDAL 1.5 Beta
New Geospatial Packages for Zope
That's About Right
OGR, Ctypes, and Cython, Again
OGR, Ctypes, Cython
Transactional Refinery
Taming the OGR
Better Python Practices for the GeoWeb
GeoJSON 1.0a1
Ahoy! PP to Starboard
Catching up With Python
GeoRSS Patch for Universal Feedparser
Shapely for Python 3.0
Shapely 1.0a1
Python 3.0a1
OGC, GeoDRM, and Me
Stop Using Mapscript: Finally
OWSLib 0.2.1
The Shapely Alchemist
Welcome Spatialindex
Selectively Running Python Tests
Mush, 2 Feeds
Mars Lander Blogging
Real Life Object Databases
Rendering Shapely Geometries in Matplotlib
Good Things
Diving Into Python
Hammock Update
Alternative to
Python Pain Points
Shapely Geometries for Python
Python Access to Series 60 Location
Feature Server
Rtree 0.2.0
Welcome Back, Matt
Snakes on a Sonde
Upcoming Events
Rtree 0.1.0
Feature Demo
Geometries for Python Update
Toward a Better Python Feature API
Another REST sighting
FDO and Python
TileCache 1.4
Pydap to Google Earth
Tests for Goodness' Sake
IronPython Goodies
Quadtree Uploaded
Python Quadtree
geopy: Python Geocoding Library
Python and GRASS
ESRI and IronPython
Python 2.5, me Maties!
while 1: self.insert(sheep)
Python Web Framework Shakeout
Google Regionator
Yahoo's Python Developer Center
The Open Planning Project Hires Ian Bicking
Python in the Triangle
TriZPUG Talk
Photos from Python "Need For Speed" Sprint
SLD and Python
Mapnik News
Geometries for Python
Dublin Code Sprint
Scripting OGR With Python
New Releases From GIS-Python
Antialiasing Cost
Yet Another Python Projection Package
What is Pythonic?
Emailing Python Script Errors
Mapnik Update
Python Job at ESRI
GDAL 1.3.0 Release
Django and MapServer
GIS in the Rockies
Poking at ESRI's Public ArcWeb Services
Cheapo WFS and uDig
OSG05 Workshop Materials
Hobu in ArcUser
GDAL-Warping MOLA Topography
Discount WFS Source for MapServer
SVG Maps with Matplotlib
Protoyping a Matplotlib/Agg Engine for PCL, Part 2
Protoyping a Matplotlib/Agg Engine for PCL
Sean Reifschneider Photoblogs PyCon
Python to Drop filter() and map()?