Rasterio 1.0.0

From Rasterio's new discussion group/email list, here's the 1.0.0 announcement.

Hi, all.

We, the authors of Rasterio, are pleased to announce the release of Rasterio 1.0.0.

What is the significance of 1.0.0? Stability. After more than a year of changes, there is at last a stable base for applications. You can pin rasterio ~= 1.0 in your project’s requirements and enjoy nothing but bug fixes for as long as the project supplies them.


Many new features have been added since the last stable release (0.36). Especially notable are the following.

  • All new documentation at https://rasterio.readthedocs.io/en/stable/.

  • Binary wheels with GDAL 2.x included for the macOS and manylinux1 platforms are available on pypi.org.

  • A new Window class with floating point origin and offsets has been added to help with windowed dataset operations.

  • BytesIO-like MemoryFile and ZipMemoryFile classes that support access to in-memory datasets.

  • A WarpedVRT class exposes GDAL’s warp-on-demand VRT features.

  • Support for georeferencing by ground control points has been added.

  • The rasterio.shutil module provides many of the same features as Python’s shutil, but also knows about sidecar files (masks, overviews, metadata).

Upgrading and compatibility

Rasterio is compatible with GDAL versions 1.11-2.3 and Python versions 2.7, and 3.4-3.7.

We have deprecated a number of features since 0.36. Features have been removed, after some warning, at 1.0a1, 1.0a10, 1.0b1, and 1.0rc2. We recommend migrating stepwise through those tags to get from 0.36 to 1.0.0 if you're feeling extra cautious.


The primary channel for installation and usage support is the Rasterio user discussion group at https://rasterio.groups.io/g/main. Please see https://github.com/mapbox/rasterio/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst for guidance on reporting bugs or proposing new features.


Rasterio 1.0.0 is the work of 68 authors. The individuals are listed in https://github.com/mapbox/rasterio/blob/master/AUTHORS.txt.

This number does not include people who have created and commented on issues in the project’s issue tracker, but their contributions are also very important. We’ve received some of the best bug reports ever written.

Rasterio benefits from a userbase in many different areas of work and study. Advocates across companies, classrooms, and projects have helped make Rasterio what it is. We particularly thank people who help distribute it, and people who help teach others to use it. Among those are: Christoph Gohlke, the conda-forge and Debian GIS teams, Howard Butler, Sara Safavi, Dana Bauer, Leah Wasser, Chris Holdgraf, and everyone else who has taught Rasterio in a workshop or course, or presented Rasterio to a conference or meetup audience.

Rasterio has benefited from helpful folks on the GIS StackExchange. Luke Pinner, Loïc Dutrieux, Martin Laloux, and Kersten Clauss are foremost among them.

Everything we know about building and distributing binary wheels comes from the SciPy community. Thank you, Matthew Brett, Nathaniel Smith, et al., for writing the delocate and auditwheel tools and supporting them.

Even Rouault, GDAL’s maintainer, has been our patient guru and guide during many difficult passages.

Early adoption by engineering teams in the satellite imagery business has also been key to Rasterio’s success. The project is indebted to developers who tried it and managers who supported them.

Thank you all!