Shapely 1.2.14
Shapely 1.2.14 is up on PyPI: and the documentation has been updated: Mike Toews has made coordinate and (homogeneous) geometry sequences sliceable. For example, you can now get every other vertex of a line string or linear ring like this:
>>> from shapely.geometry import Point >>> ring = Point(0.0, 0.0).buffer(1.0).exterior >>> len(ring.coords) 66 >>> evens = ring.coords[::2] >>> len(evens) 33
and a geometry collecting the odd points of another multi point geometry can be had like:
>>> from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint >>> multi = MultiPoint(evens) >>> len(multi) 33 >>> odds = multi[1::2] >>> odds.geom_type 'MultiPoint' >>> len(odds) 16 >>> list(odds) [<shapely.geometry.point.Point object at 0x744d30>, ... ]
Heterogeneous geometry collections can't be sliced in 1.2.14. Down the road, maybe.