
TurboGears will join the ranks of geospatially-enabled Python frameworks with the addition of tg.ext.geo to tgtools. From Sanjiv Singh's Summer of Code status email:

4) TG2 Geo Extension with MapFish[6] The tg.ext.geo extension implements the server side component for vector query and editing. It is mainly based on MapFish server. However the templates are modified to suit the TG Object Distach BaseController. This may change in future and be fully based on MapFish server which uses a RESTFul controller. The extension makes use of existing PythonGIS tools like Shapely and GeoJSON. Thanks to Eric Lemonie, Sean Gillies, Matt Russell and the GISPython community for bringing the GIS tools to python developers. A demo application with openlayers based feature selection and a DojoGrid for displaying the attribute data can be seen at Thanks to Michele Bertoldi for helping me with his Dojo Grid.

I love seeing Shapely and Geojson put to use (MapFish, by the way, is a Shapely-using Pylons application). Sanjiv's application discovered a bug in Shapely and helped improve the software for everyone. I note that his mentor was Chris Perkins, a Python programmer and Plone developer at the National Renewable Energies Laboratory in Golden, who I would probably have met already if I'd been going to the Pythoneers meetings in Boulder. I need to get back to them soon.


Re: tg.ext.geo

Author: Chris Perkins

A co-worker showed me your blog entry, I added it to my reader. Thanks for blogging about Sanjiv's work. He has done a considerable amount of work in a short time to integrate/modularize a bunch of really cool technologies. For the record, I'm more of a TurboGears dev than a Plone dev... But I do appreciate the reference, perhaps we will meet up at the next pythoneers meeting. cheers. -chris

Re: tg.ext.geo

Author: Sean

Hi, Chris. I won't be making it tonight, but look forward to meeting this fall.