The Shapely Alchemist
Following the example at I've figured out how to use Shapely geometries with SQLAlchemy and PostGIS. Here's the custom type:
from sqlalchemy import types from shapely.wkb import loads class Geometry(types.TypeEngine): def __init__(self, srid, geom_type, dims=2): super(Geometry, self).__init__() self.srid = srid self.geom_type = geom_type self.dims = dims def get_col_spec(self): return 'GEOMETRY()' def convert_bind_param(self, value, engine): if value is None: return None else: return "SRID=%s;%s" \ % (self.srid, value.wkb.encode('hex')) def convert_result_value(self, value, engine): if value is None: return None else: return loads(value.decode('hex'))
>>> db = create_engine("postgres://localhost/the_db") >>> metadata = MetaData(db) >>> places = Table("places", metadata, ... Column("the_geom", Geometry(4326, "POINT")) ... ) >>> result = >>> row = result.fetchone() >>> row (<shapely.geometry.point.Point object at 0xb771490c>,) >>> row.keys() ['the_geom'] >>> row.the_geom <shapely.geometry.point.Point object at 0xb771482c> >>> row.the_geom.wkt 'POINT (-106.0000000000000000 40.0000000000000000)' >>> row.the_geom.x -106.0 >>> row.the_geom.y 40.0