Command line JSON
I finally found out about json.tool while debugging responses from the Pleiades spatial index server. It pretty-prints and validates.
$ curl "" | python -mjson.tool { "bbox": [ 15.005568999999999, 40.422631000000003, 15.005568999999999, 40.422631000000003 ], "features": [ { "geometry": { "bbox": [ 15.005568999999999, 40.422631000000003, 15.005568999999999, 40.422631000000003 ], "coordinates": [ 15.005568999999999, 40.422631000000003 ], "type": "Point" }, "id": "darmc-location-18805", "properties": { "description": "", "link": "", "title": "DARMC location 18805" }, "type": "Feature" } ], "id": "442733", "type": "FeatureCollection" }
Would it be worth adding such a tool to the geojson module?
Re: Command line JSON
Author: Seth G
It would be great to have a geojson validator (command line or web) along the lines of
I'm never sure if CRS (or SRS?) is required - GDAL seems to crash if it is missing. It would be nice to have a tool to check if there are missing coordinate values etc. (although loading with Shapely helpw with the latter).
Re: Command line JSON
Author: Sunng
python's json module can be considered as a formatting tool.
Recently I find a command line query tool for json called jshon, which is of great helpful.
Re: Command line JSON
Author: Howard Butler
Seth G,
File a bug on GDAL if its GeoJSON module is crashing in cases with or without SRS info. It shouldn't be required, and if it is crashing, it needs to be fixed.