Keytree 0.2.1

Keytree provides some utilities for manipulating KML using the ElementTree API. I've added factories for KML placemark and geometry elements, input being geojson or Shapely objects:

>>> from geojson import Feature
>>> f = Feature('1',
...             geometry={
...                 'type': 'Point',
...                 'coordinates': (-122.364383, 37.824663999999999)
...                 },
...             title='Feature 1',
...             summary='The first feature',
...             content='Blah, blah, blah.'
...             )

Any object that provides the Python geo-feature interface will do. Next, you need a KML document as context for a new placemark:

>>> data = """
... <kml xmlns="">
...   <Document>
...   </Document>
... </kml>
... """
>>> from xml.etree import ElementTree
>>> kml = ElementTree.fromstring(data)

Make a placemark element using the element factory:

>>> elem = keytree.element(kml, f)
>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint((elem.tag, elem.text, list(elem)))
 [<Element {}name at ...>,
  <Element {}Snippet at ...>,
  <Element {}description at ...>,
  <Element {}Point at ...>])
>>> pprint.pprint(list((e.tag, e.text, list(e)) for e in elem))
[('{}name', 'Feature 1', []),
 ('{}Snippet', 'The first feature', []),
 ('{}description', 'Blah, blah, blah.', []),
  [<{}Element coordinates at ...>])]

This element could be appended to the Document element, or you could use the subelement factory:

>>> elem = keytree.subelement(kml[0], f)

More at

Now, I'm trying to decide if something similar would be useful for Atom with GeoRSS.