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Replicable Python Geoprocessing Environments
Britannia Superior Preview
Last REST Post of 2007
Aggregation of Ancient World Bloggers
Knowhere Project Wiki
RESTful Marketecture
Grok, the Paleolithic Geographer
The Pleiades Fitness Program
KML Balloon Templating and Charts
OpenAerialMap Fort Collins
More All Points Baloney
Python GDAL 1.5 Beta
Uranium Mining in our Backyard
My Fantasy Movie
Peutinger's Map
Wikipedia Cabal Cablooie
Geo Microformat
New Geospatial Packages for Zope
Fake Ed Parsons
Agile Schmagile
Watching the Watchers
Geo Products Example Buildout
Rtree 0.3.0
Map of the Napa-Bordeaux Greenline
Geocoding, GeoRSS, and KML for Plone 3
Kindle: meh
That's About Right
OGR, Ctypes, and Cython, Again
OGR, Ctypes, Cython
Grok Does AtomPub
Transactional Refinery
AtomPub Slides from FOSS4G
OGR GeoJSON driver
PleiadesGeocoder 1.0b1
Taming the OGR
Spook Country
Geospatial Media and the Environment
OpenSocial, AtomPub, and GeoRSS
More fun With Curl and AtomPub
Rtree for the N800
Plone R-Tree Spatial Index
PrimaGIS Sprint Summary
Lines and Polygons in Plone
Rocket City Baloney
OpenStreetMap Fort Collins
PrimaGIS Sprint
AtomPubbing Librarians
Nobel Peace Prize
Clearly it's a Good Idea
Better Python Practices for the GeoWeb
Open Source and Sustainability
Open Source Web Processing Versus ArcGIS Server
Using New Technologies to Explore Cultural Heritage
RFC 5023
NEH/CNR Slides
Horothesia Blog
GeoJSON 1.0a1
Wednesday FOSS4G Update
Finding me at FOSS4G
Libya and Western Civilization
Toddler Travel Tip
Rethinking JSON for Geospatial
Ahoy! PP to Starboard
Catching up With Python
Shapely Manual
Feed Paging and Archiving
Mush Update
OGC and Atompub
GeoRSS Patch for Universal Feedparser
Open Source GIS in Montpellier?
Shapely for Python 3.0
Pleiades Data Update: Cyrene
Shapely 1.0a1
Python 3.0a1
"Welcome to my World"
Brew Credit Due
More Harvest
Geo-Atompub Interop Day 5 September
Lukewarm Fusion
Harvest Time
NEH-CNR Conference on Using New Technologies to Explore Cultural Heritage
We are Made of Star Stuff
The Petty Bureaucrats of Wikipedia
Geo-Atompub Meme Watch 2 (The Wrath of Khan)
Map Servers
Plone 3.0
GIS Certification
Tufte and Cartography
Why WPS?
Explaining REST
That's not Agile Geography
Camping With Google Earth
Buildouts for the Lab
REST Can't Handle Rasters and Coverages?
OGC, GeoDRM, and Me
Shorter Sebastian Good
Stop Using Mapscript: Finally
KML Module: Atom
Doctests for Javascript
Geo-Atompub Meme Watch
OWSLib 0.2.1
Atompub and KML Demo
The Shapely Alchemist
Welcome Spatialindex
Atompub, KML and Google Earth
Amateurs: STFU
Selectively Running Python Tests
OGC WTF of the Day
KML Output for Mush
Mush, 2 Feeds
Planning Alerts and Findspots
Holy Memory Holes, Batman!
La Mort du Tour
Web Home for Spatial Reference Systems
Geo at Plone4Artists Sprint
An OGC REST Working Group?
Going Big
Web Geo-Processing, Pull Style
Mars Lander Blogging
Sound Advice for INSPIRE
Why There is no REST in WxS
Geo Blogs and Media
Software and Camping Gear
The "GeoWeb Ecosystem"?
Chocolate and Peanut Butter
North and South
Real Life Object Databases
Resource-Oriented WFS: Filters
Are GML Documents Hypermedia?
INSPIRE Tech Choice is Discouraging
Rendering Shapely Geometries in Matplotlib
Buh-bye Blogroll
Good Things
The Future of Geo-Blogs and Advertisement
Designing Simple GIS Services for Zope
KML Syndication
On Expertise and Revolution
REST on the Conference Circuit
Bare Minimum RESTful WFS
Geo-Web-REST Group
I Guess I'm Easily Baited
Diving Into Python
Hammock Update
RESTful ArcGIS Server?
GeoSummit Conclusion
Role for JP2 in RESTful Web Services?
Alternative to
GeoSummit Agenda
Rome Reborn as a Flash Movie
Python Pain Points
Shapely Geometries for Python
Local Bloggers at GeoSummit
Bait and Switch
Geospatial Computing for History and Archaeology Workshop
Python Access to Series 60 Location
Richardson and Ruby's RESTful Maps and Gazetteer
FRUGOS GeoSummit is on
Open Source as Voltron
Feature Server
Coming Soon
Rtree 0.2.0
Hype is the "Intel Inside"
The Garden is Deployed
Victoria, Here I Come
Welcome Back, Matt
Digital Consumer Enablement
Snakes on a Sonde
Real-time Geography
In Your GIS, Recking Your Map's
Props to OSGeo
Science Fiction in the News
A GML Critique
Blogosphere and Ivory Tower
Stop Using Mapscript: Almost There
Made it
MapServer Subversion Repository
Our Friend, the Atom
Restful Versioning
GIS Software Commoditization
Feature Paging
Novelty of REST and GIS
WBW 33: Languedoc-Roussillon Values
WFS Simple
Dear Google Earth Team
More Like This, Please
Resources, not Objects
Upcoming Events
Even More REST and Geo Blogging
GeoDRM or GeoCYA?
JSON Security
In a Nutshell
Rtree 0.1.0
Feature Demo
Game Over for GeoDRM?
Geometries for Python Update
GeoRSS: Worse is Better
Conference Wireless How-to
Silence on Spatial Search
More REST and GIS Blogging
Dumbing Down REST
Google JSON and Geo
My Comment Policy
RESTful Feature APIs
Scrub-a-dub Venus
Improving MapServer: a Specific Example
GeoRSS and Antiquities
Planet OSGeo
Toward a Better Python Feature API
GeoRSS and Validation
More ArcGIS and JSON
Geo-Enterprise to Geo-Web
GeoRSS in Google Maps
JSON with ArcGIS Server
Trac Changeset Links from Chatzilla
W*S and REST, Again
300 Historically Accurate?
Mr. Plow, Meet the Plow King
New GeoJSON Discussion Group
Another REST sighting
Different Perspective on ESRI and FOSS4G
FDO and Python
Gort Owns Us
ROA Maturity Model
Taking GeoRSS Too Far
My FOSS4G 2007 Abstract is in the Intertubes
Ancient Wonders Keep on Going
Yet Another Compass Rose
Backronyms for KML
Deliberately Obtuse
The Right Tool for the Job
Wine Blog Atlas
Get Confident, Stupid!
OpenLayers 2.3
Suggestion for MapServer 5.0
More Geospatial and REST
Pseudo-Open Source Companies
Geospatial Venus
Free Toys for Geo-Bloggers
REST and Geospatial
Catalog Free
New Pleiades KML
PleiadesGeocoder 0.6.2
Interesting Web of Services Position Paper
Imagine a Geo-Web Without Catalogs
Open Source GIS and Vista
Ancient Places and Google Earth Search
Planet Geospatial Lives
Searching Google's Geo-Web
March FRUGOS Meeting
New Belgium Sees the Lite
Proprietary Feedback Part 2
PrimaGIS for Plone 3.0 Preview
Geospatial Mashup Components
TileCache 1.4
Pipes Full of GeoRSS
GeoRSS Caution
Wine Blogging the Columbia and Rhone
More Geo-JSON
MAGIS: Mediterranean Archaeology GIS
Plone Snowsprint Roundup
Suprisingly Quiet
Sprint Track at FOSS4G 2007
The Wehlener Sundial
Geospatial Code Sprinting
No Fan Love
OWSLib 0.2.0
1000 to 1
ILWIS Joins 52 North
Fink Packages: OWSLib, Quadtree, PCL
Beneficial Proprietary Extensions of Open Source Software?
PrimaGIS in the Snow
Simple Answers to Simple Questions
More on Google Book Search Maps
Quadtree 0.1.2
Maps for Google Book Search
Camp 5 and BBQ Sprint
FOSS4G 2007
New Bathymetry of the Great Salt Lake
Blog Upgrade
Google's Geo-Web
$200 Laptop?
GDAL 1.4.0
If You Like Proprietary, You'll Love the iPhone
Scrub a Dub Preview
Five Things