Lines and Polygons in Plone
Update (2007-10-17): the main Pleiades site has the update. See the Barrington Atlas map feed and KML. If you're interested in trying this out, be sure to get revision 1185.
I finally implemented lines and polygons in our PleiadesGeocoder software not so much for display of ancient roads as for making georeferenced feeds that show where we will have new data coming online. Here's an example feed and map, and a snapshot of the KML in Google Earth below:

Also new is a form for setting the location of any Plone content. Location is still stored in GeoRSS (Simple) form in PleiadesGeocoder (mostly to delay content migration), but the form takes GeoJSON. The new code I'm working on for Plone will be storing locations as GeoJSON geometries.

After we get a few bugs out, this will be released as PleiadesGeocoder 0.7 for Plone 2.5, and I'll get back to work on the next generation for Plone 3.
Re: Lines and Polygons in Plone
Author: Yves Moisan
Can't wait for the Plone 3 work :-). I just got myself an OpenID account to start playing with on a Plone 3 site. Maps next. Cheers,