FOSS4G 2007
Big website update:
The annual Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) conference brings together the people who create, use, and support open spatial software. No other event brings together members of the open source development, open data creation, and open standards promotion communities like FOSS4G -- it is truly a "meeting of the tribes".
I am usually critical of OSGeo, but cannot deny that every statement on that welcome page is true.

[Rumors that Kirok will deliver the keynote to the tribes are untrue.]
The line about meeting of tribes is groan-inducing -- and you won't actually get to witness the GeoServer developers and GRASS developers ceremonially brew coffee around a hooka -- but there really is a pervasive, fun community spirit at these conferences. If you're looking to learn more about the universe of open source GIS and open data initiatives, or have something that you're pushing forward, you should go to Victoria this Fall for the total immersion experience.
Re: FOSS4G 2007
Author: Chris Holmes
Just for you Sean I'm going to bring a hooka and coordinate a coffee brewing ceremony with Markus.Re: FOSS4G 2007
Author: ROb McCulley
I'm hoping to attend. We generally have a 'no-out-of-province-travel' rule, but Victoria is probably as close it's going to get anytime soon (I'm in Alberta). Hopefully ...