Libya and Western Civilization
Speaking of Cyrene, on page 3 of the Times International section is an article about Saif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, a Ph.D. student at the London School of Economics, and the son of Libya's president. A photograph of Mr. Qaddafi speaking from the Greek ruins of Cyrene accompanies the story. He's speaking about tourism, but there is clearly a wider, symbolic, appeal being made to the West.
Re: Libya and Western Civilization
Author: Andy Gee
Hi. The announcment made at the Cyrene declaration was to announce the formation of the green mountain development corporation which is as you say responsible for eco tourism; however it is also about creating a 5,000 sq km low-carbon sustainable region that includes renewable energy ( irrigation, reforestation, microbanking and other an array of other projects aimed at protecting their environment from climate change and creating a sustianbale infrastructure for there people.