GeoRSS: Worse is Better

Sam Ruby is using GeoRSS, and the emergence of new feed based applications from Google and Microsoft, as an example of what non-elite web programmers can accomplish without XML schemas (or SOAP). The uptake of GeoRSS (and RSS more generally) demonstrates once again how worse is often better. People are typically generating GeoRSS feeds using tools that are completely ignorant of XML Schema, validating them via web sites, and processing fetched feeds using the DOM or XPath capabilities of their browser's JavaScript engine (GeoRSS.js). That the Geo-Web is forming out of GeoRSS and KML -- initially released without a schema -- rather than GML is yet another indictment against XSD.

The James Clark post to which Ruby replies is also a good read. Something like TEDI would come in handy at times, maybe even for the Python feature protocol I'm working on.


Re: GeoRSS: Worse is Better

Author: Allan

The link to Sam Ruby's blog should be I definitely count myself in the worse is better school...

Re: GeoRSS: Worse is Better

Author: Sean

Thanks, Allan. Link fixed.

Re: GeoRSS: Worse is Better

Author: Chris Andrews

As someone who has created a hobby content management service, integrated it with Google maps, and was recently able to plot my RSS feeds on someone else's mashup, I'd have to say that I'm all for 'worse is better.' At the end of the day, I want something that works... now! I once had so many clients sending me XML with no DTD or Schema for a longterm integration project that I created a tool to marshal/unmarshal XML directly into Java classes. (Yes, XML, not XSD or DTD.) While I'm a standards guy, the reality is that XML is too easy to abuse outside of the standard definition tools. Nice blog.