Scrub a Dub Preview

I've got a pgscrubber 2 preview, pgscrubber-2.0a.user.js [MD5, SHA1] to go along with the new PlanetGS preview.

Mozilla XPath is brilliant. I'm now using the string function contains() to find posts to scrub, which simplifies the task of enumerating the blogs you want to screen out. These blogs are also now marked (in the sidebar) through with a line so you don't lose track of what's being scrubbed.

Downloads of the previous version were up quite a bit, indicating either that there are more and more Firefox users, or that there's more and more noise on PlanetGS.


Re: Scrub a Dub Preview

Author: Tom Kralidis

Nice. Perhaps I'm missing something, but the instructions in the comments state to select " Tools -> Install This User Script..." (I'm using Firefox 2). I can't find this under the Tools menu. Do I need to enable something else beforehand? Watch, and now, just as I post, I'll probably figure it out :)

Re: Scrub a Dub Preview

Author: Sean

Tom, all you have to do with FF2 is open the file. The Greasemonkey plugin takes it from there.

Re: Scrub a Dub Preview

Author: Tom Kralidis

Ah, ok. Maybe a small note in the .js that one requires Greasemonkey for the script to work. In addition, on FF2, the menu item is Tools -> Greasemonkey -> Install User Script (mind you, I was prompted when I opened this file by a Greasemonkey installation popup). Thanks much -- this is a valuable resource!!