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Adieu, 2009
WMS and URI addressability
La volaille
Least power
Last market before Christmas
Sweeping your front door
Simple and reusable spatial queries
DDOS on climate science?
Montpellier street art
Judgement matters
GeoWeb: utopia or dystopia?
Idiomatic programming
More lessons of standardization
Ima let you finish
Design gap
Itertools to the rescue
NSF funding for historical GIS
Can't happen here
Atom threading
Lessons of standardization
Python GIS features
Why learn to program?
Iterators, again
Python idioms for GIS Education
Old Europe exhibit at ISAW
Working and playing at CBGP
Shapely, map, and reduce
Python and GIS 101
Shapely 1.0.14 released
The HTML of the "GeoWeb"
Shapely 1.0.13 released
Unofficial Python GIS SIG
Geography of dégustation: Saint-Christol
Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania
For spork's sake no
Another Shapely sighting
Reintroducing the GIS and Python Software Laboratory
Updates to the Shapely roadmap
Redefining open source?
Where's the book?
On web sanity
Django goes with grilled chicken
Using git to work on OpenLayers
Data blogging
Rtree 0.5.0
It's the imagery, stupid
5 years
KML and links
Place de la Canourgue
Upcoming Digital Classicist Seminar: Herodotus and space
Geographic syndication in a nutshell
Collections, queries, and REST
JTS on App Engine
Nous sommes arrivés à Montpellier
We're hosting the Tour
Geo interface and Python 2.6
Showing support for GIS-Python software
Rtree 0.4.3
OpenLayers Atom
OpenLayers buildout recipe
Buildout, Django, Solr
Rtree 0.4.2
Jack Camel
Geo + AtomPub
Diving into Shapely 1.1
Future for geospatial on App Engine?
Look what I found in KML
New GIS and Python programming blog
Philosopher's Stone
Generic geometry library
Shapely 1.0.12
GeoRSS media type?
REST vs SOAP at ESRI DevSummit
Keytree 0.2.1
Sensible observation services, part 2
REST in reality
OpenLayers constrained by hypertext
Spring is officially here
Good because it's good
Commenting on OGC WMTS
Implications of WMTS for S3 tiles
Sensible observation services
Behind the curtain
Unbearable liteness
Transliterating from Greek and Latin
My first vimperator script
Give it a REST
Plugins for Shapely
Critique of WxS, en Français
Making data more citable
Anglo-European Open Source Archaeo/Geo/GIS events?
What's the beef?
Busting RESTful GIS myths
Nanaimo's RESTful GIS
A more perfect union, continued
Efficient batch operations for Shapely
In order to form a more perfect union
KML and atom:link
Services and web resources
Mocking GEOS
Toward Shapely 1.1
Open access to National GIS data
Links in content
GIS consultancy stimulus proposal
OpenLayers and Djatoka imagery
More decoration