Upcoming Digital Classicist Seminar: Herodotus and space
I'd sure like to see this:
Herodotos Encoded Space-Text-Imaging Archive
Elton Barker (Oxford) & Leif Isaksen (Southampton)
Digital Classicist/ICS Work in Progress Seminar, Summer 2009
Friday 31st July at 16:30, in room STB3/6, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
HESTIA (the Herodotus Encoded Space-Text-Imaging Archive) is an interdisciplinary project, involving the collaboration of two classical scholars, a modern political geographer and an IT consultant, that aims to enrich contemporary discussions of space by developing an innovative methodology to the analysis of Herodotus’ History. Combining a variety of different methods, it investigates the ways in which space is represented in Herodotus’ History in terms of places mentioned and geographic features described, and develops visual tools to capture the ‘deep’ topological structures of the text, extending beyond the usual two-dimensional Cartesian maps of the ancient world.