Montpellier street art
There is some inspired street art in Montpellier, the likes of which I've never seen in the uptight places I've previously called home. The works (by Mear One and Asylm, I learned today) on the exterior of the Gymnase Alain Achille caught my eye on my first tram ride to the centre-ville and today I finally took the time to hop off at the Stade Philippidès tram stop and take some photos. The first 4 are of the east-facing wall (click for higher-resolution images):

The north-facing wall has some interesting art too, not signed or having lost its signature:

A little research turned up documentation by Sophie. of this amazing work on a gymnase in Boutonnet. Wow! Must find this one. Mear One, again, I'm guessing, and also guessing that the humping deer weren't part of the original. The gym on Avenue Rimbaud direction Celleneuve has another good one (street view) that I'm hoping to be able to post photos of soon.

Sophie.'s Montpellier set also has some good shots of "Jonny Style" on the streets of Montpellier, like this on Rue du Père Soulas: