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Use pytest's tmp_path fixture
Choosing the Adventurous Route, A. Jesse Jiryu Davis' PyTennessee keynote
Fiona 1.0.1
Box hugger no more
GeoJSON and the geo interface for Python
Fiona 0.16
Fiona makes reading and writing data boring
Fiona 0.12
Idiommatic Python is catching on
C programming, Python programming
Putting it all together
Not as simple as it seems
Pleiades software reuse
Mapping and reducing
Permission or Forgiveness
Geoprocessing for hipsters: translating features
Ongoing blog series
More learning from Haskell
Fiona, pyproj, Shapely in a functional style
Geoprocessing for humans: close() and with
Geoprocessing for humans: pygp
Geoprocessing for humans: date and time
Geoprocessing for humans: a pip requirements file
Notes on learning Clojure
Geoprocessing for humans: the Fiona manual
Fiona 0.6.1
Coordinate reference systems for Fiona
Simplify terrible APIs
More Fiona and OGR benchmarks
Shapely from the outside
Fiona and matplotlib: simply plotting features
Fiona and Shapely: spatially cleaning features
Fiona's half-way mark
Lessons learned from Zope
Yours truly, Fiona
Simple in theory
Closing down the Lab
Get with it
Post-GIS Day 2010
An afternoon of hacking before WhereCamp5280
Plotting geometries on C and Java Python platforms
Sorting features on spatial relations
Bootstrapping a Python project
de9im: DE-9IM utilities
Plotting GIS shapes
Idiomatic programming
Itertools to the rescue
Python GIS features
Why learn to program?
Iterators, again
Python idioms for GIS Education
Shapely, map, and reduce
Python and GIS 101
Unofficial Python GIS SIG
Using git to work on OpenLayers
Jack Camel
Diving into Shapely 1.1
Future for geospatial on App Engine?
OpenLayers constrained by hypertext
Mocking GEOS
Python logging
Geo-enabling CouchDB
Second-guessing Project Bamboo
Weak references
Feature query languages
The Programming Historian
Python re.cipe
Shell History
INSPIRE and Model-Driven Architecture
On Config File Design
Agile Schmagile
Better Python Practices for the GeoWeb
Diving Into Python
In Your GIS, Recking Your Map's
GeoRSS: Worse is Better
Scrub-a-dub Venus
Toward a Better Python Feature API
More ArcGIS and JSON
JSON with ArcGIS Server
Trac Changeset Links from Chatzilla
FDO and Python
Suggestion for MapServer 5.0
Declarative Maps
Simplicity and the Corporate Development Firewall
Almost Like an Onion Headline
The REST Dialogues
Java Freed
Tests for Goodness' Sake
.NET: Meh
Multi-geometry Features
Quadtree Uploaded
Why Does WFS Dislike the Web?
Python Quadtree
Switching to Atom
MetaCarta Labs Rectifier
mod_expires to the Rescue
Google Regionator
Yahoo's Python Developer Center
Ruby, REST and YAML
Ruby and Geospatial?
Slippy AJAX Timeline
Hello World
Create a PostGIS DB with Make
GIS Features and JSON
Monkeying with Planet Geospatial 2
Monkeying with Planet Geospatial
Emailing Python Script Errors
Geo-Web Blog
Not a Mashup
GDAL 1.3.0 Release
GML in Wikipedia
What, no Lisp?
Poking at ESRI's Public ArcWeb Services
Motherhood, Apple Pie, Web Mapping, and GIS
Python vs Perl vs PHP vs ...
MapServer and Threads FAQ
Celestial Cartographic Library
Graticule Hacking with OGR
Python GEOS Module