Digitizing Ancient Inscriptions with OpenLayers

Update: For some background on this particular inscription see Tom's post on the demarcation between Thraces and Moesi.

The subject of digitally annotating texts and art works came up at last fall's NEH/CNR conference, and I thought: we could do that with OpenLayers. Recently, I read this post at the Stoa Consortium and thought: we could really do this with OpenLayers. And that's what we did today at the Pleiades skunk works: put a photo of an inscribed stone in an OpenLayers image layer, drew polylines over it in a vector layer, and then wrote the layer out to SVG: http://sgillies.net/images/MXITRIB.svg.


Feel free to try it out: http://atlantides.org/inscriptol/. Once we add the capability to edit or delete polylines, add text annotations/metadata, and save the results this could be the beginning of a useful tool. Check out that nifty SVG transform group: maybe I haven't lost all my linear algebra yet.

OpenLayers simply rocks.


Re: Digitizing Ancient Inscriptions with OpenLayers

Author: Paul Ramsey

What's the use case for digitized inscriptions? I don't comprehend.

Re: Digitizing Ancient Inscriptions with OpenLayers

Author: Yves Moisan

Same question here, but I do find it neat to use OpenLayers in images other than geospatial in nature. Annotations seem to me like the low hanging fruit here. An example : being able to share e.g. an air photo amongst a group of people that could trace out where they think the terminal moraine is and discuss through annotations the relative merits of delineation A vs B would be one heck of an interesting tool for photointerpreters. I have to look seriously at OpenLayers.

Re: Digitizing Ancient Inscriptions with OpenLayers

Author: Sean

Collaborative interpretation, for sure. And last night I received an email from a researcher who is using traces like these to train character or inscription extraction software. The humanities are more quantitative than you'd guess.

Re: Digitizing Ancient Inscriptions with OpenLayers

Author: Tom Elliott

I've started a thread aimed at answering Paul's question at Current Epigraphy. There's already one helpful response ...

Re: Digitizing Ancient Inscriptions with OpenLayers

Author: KoS

Great work. Neat use. I was thinking. From the stand point of capturing the text. Couldn't a laser scanner, running a edge detection on an image or something else similar, do almost the same thing? If you want vectors too, run a raster to vector conversion afterwards. KoS

Re: Digitizing Ancient Inscriptions with OpenLayers

Author: Tom Elliott

KoS: Certainly, and there are some folks working with automated techniques (see: M. Terras, Image to Interpretation: An Intelligent System to Aid Historians in Reading the Vindolanda Texts, Oxford, 2006, ISBN: 9780199204557 - publisher's blurb). Tools for manual work can still be valuable ... for example, for expert cleanup of automated vector creation (i.e., supervision and selection), or just for singling out arbitrary portions of an image for subsequent annotation.

Re: Digitizing Ancient Inscriptions with OpenLayers

Author: Stefano Costa

Really nice, for an archaeologist like me. This makes me think about 2 things: 1) it would be great to have an OGRGeometry method (and a Shapely one, too) like ExportToSVG(). This would allow easy vector image generation from geometries. 2) when using typical GIS tools like OL, OGR, for something that is geometric but not geographic, it's not always clear how to state that your XY(Z) coordinates are not in a specific CRS, nor lat/lon. See for example http://iosa.sharesource.org/ where we use OGR for the analysis of an ancient wall.

Re: Digitizing Ancient Inscriptions with OpenLayers

Author: Sean

Stefano, I know almost nothing about archaeological photogrammetry, so I'm very interested in learning from your projects.

No WMS in Google Static Maps API?

I think this says something: Google Maps Without the Scripting.

Update (2008-07-21): Everyblock WMS requests are gone, replaced by requests for tile resources at URIs such as http://tile.a.everyblock.com/1.0/main/4/77,502.png.


Re: No WMS in Google Static Maps API?

Author: Ian Turton

That Google Maps can't hope to support the flexibility of the full WMS interface so they have to provide this cut down wanabe service with a nasty API key hacked in?

Re: No WMS in Google Static Maps API?

Author: Sean

Either that (that Google can't design or engineer maps for the Web) or that when it comes to street maps WMS == YAGNI.

Re: No WMS in Google Static Maps API?

Author: Ian Turton

And yet in a blog post you referred to only the other day we see people pointing out just this deficiency of Google Maps - http://blog.everyblock.com/2008/feb/18/maps/. If all you want is to server up static images of your maps the Google maps is the way to do it, but as soon as you want something more complex you are going to wish you'd stuffed all that data into a nice standards compliant WMS server from the start so that all your client development work isn't wasted.

Re: No WMS in Google Static Maps API?

Author: Sean

No, according to that post the EveryBlock developers break from Google over cartography, not over map service design. If you check out their maps you'll see fixed zoom levels and tiles: http://nyc.everyblock.com/streets/brooklyn/kent-ave/473-493/map/ They are using TileCache, which – while it uses the WMS parameterization of what you want in an image (something WMS gets right) – is not exactly a ringing endorsement of WMS, the protocol. Notice that they are using named map styles? That's more or less the Google Maps approach too: SLD also == YAGNI for applications of this sort. I know this must feel like bashing, but the OGC has impressed a distorted (and now obsolete) view of web services on the GIS community. I'm trying to educate and perhaps even clear up a bit of the distortion.

Re: No WMS in Google Static Maps API?

Author: Ian Turton

When I look at the actual map requests it looks like a straight WMS request to me, right down to the annoying OGC specific error format. So if I want to view their maps in my own client (e.g. uDig) at any scale I like I can, if I really wanted to I could probably even work out how to add my own SLD to it but that clearly isn't required for this application and may well not be supported by their stack (I've never used mapnik so I can't say). While I understand where you are coming from Sean, and I agree with a lot of what you say distorting applications like this which are OGC based to support your argument does nothing to convince those of us who'd prefer to see neogeographers work with the OGC to fix things instead of sniping from the sidelines.

Re: No WMS in Google Static Maps API?

Author: Sean

Ian, I'm not trying to convince you. I'm writing to dispel the hype around OGC web services. Hype like this (not particularly egregious, just fresh), in which there is not even a hint that there is anything wrong with the WxS architecture. On the other hand, I will give the OGC due credit for any effort to develop standards more fit for the Web. Would be easier to recognize the efforts if they were more in the open, I must say.

Pleistocene World WMS?

Yo, Lazyweb: is there a publicly available WMS providing maps of the Pleistocene world, or some layers thereof?


(Image from USGS pub http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/continents/.)


Re: Pleistocene World WMS?

Author: Ian Turton

If you've got the data we've got the WMS.

Re: Pleistocene World WMS?

Author: Sean

If I had the data I would probably render tiles for my application with TileCache.

Shapely Mention

It feels good to read about Shapely being put to use in EveryBlock alongside OpenLayers, Mapnik, PostGIS, OGR, and TileCache.


Re: Shapely Mention

Author: Allan Doyle

That EveryBlock blog post sure shows the good side of the open source geo stack. A refreshing change from this and this.

Re: Shapely Mention

Author: Matt Priour

I have a question about both Shapely & Worldmill. Do either of them depend on the OGR library or can either of them be used without having that library available?

Re: Shapely Mention

Author: Sean

The Windows installer for Shapely includes a GEOS DLL and has no other dependencies. My intention is to one day include the GDAL DLL in WorldMill.

Re: Shapely Mention

Author: Yves Moisan

I had the same feeling as Allan about the page you point us to : it's a refreshing post. GE is becoming so entrenched in certain sectors of activities that people tend to forget they just can't simply copy/paste their images in a report without infringing satellite photo license terms and I'm sure a whole list of other legal terms. One nasty side effect of GE's ubiquitousness is that it further subdues the meaning of free as in freedom. Why bother with freedom when we have it all in GE? Still, GE definitely is a useful tool and kml output is so easy to generate these days ...

Nit of the Day

RSS 1.0 is a format, RSS 2.0 is a format, Atom is a format. GeoRSS is not a document format as such: it is a trio (one deprecated) of ways to format geospatial metadata within documents.


Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Yves Moisan

To dot the i's and cross the t's for noobs like me, the "trio" refers to RSS 1, 2 and Atom ? And the deprecated one is RSS 1.0 ?

Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Jason Birch

Lol... I certainly understand this, but there's no way that I'm going to say "RSS with GeoRSS-formatted spatial metadata" every time I refer to an RSS feed that contains GeoRSS.

Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Jason Birch

Yves, I would expect that Sean is referring to the three ways that GeoRSS allows you to specify the geometries: Simple, GML, and W3C Geo. The last is the deprecated one. http://www.georss.org/

Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Yves Moisan

@Jason. I just saw it on the GeoRSS site. In fact, I was just coming back to apologize for the noise, but you got there before me. When I say I'm a noob, I mean it ;-). Cheers,

Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Christopher Schmidt

I'd actually argue that it isn't even that: It's simply a syntax for adding geographically-centric tags to *any* element in XML. (I think I even got that confirmed on a GeoRSS conference call.)

Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Artem Pavlenko

Chris, I think you're right here - it is just a syntax. Anyways, this is such trivial stuff (GeoRSS). Is it time to move on? ;)

Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Sean

What do you mean by "move on", Artem? Do you mean move on from GeoRSS to something else? Do you mean move on to doing interesting things with Atom and GML? I think we already are doing that.

Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Artem Pavlenko

Sean, is it me or has GeoRSS been 'over-blogged'? Don't get me wrong, it is a useful micro format (or just a syntax) for mixing in spatial data. It serves its purpose well. But it's only a tiny fraction of the interesting things around :D

Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Sean

I agree that GeoRSS is blogged out. The perception that it is a format like the shapefile is one consequence. On the other hand, I don't think that building geospatial applications using Atom and Atompub type architecture is being blogged nearly enough.

Atom and GML Simple for OpenLayers

This week I finally got around to working on a task that's been haunting me: OpenLayers as an AtomPub client. Chris Schmidt has done much of the work already, but I'm going to see it all the way through over the next few months.

A quick review of AtomPub and how it relates to geospatial applications is probably needed here. There are 3 different types of resources in the Atom Publishing Protocol (omitting for now workspaces): services, collections, and entries. the analogous components in a GIS architecture are: services, featuretypes (or coverages), and features. An AtomPub service document is in some ways like an OWS capabilities document, but simpler because AtomPub doesn't fool around with non-HTTP semantics and bakes more metadata into its single protocol. An Atom feed document is rather a lot like a WFS feature collection document, and an Atom entry is also much like a GML feature, but much more standardized. OpenLayers does WFS already, and needs little modification to be a good AtomPub client.

Here's the little modification that I have done: a new OpenLayers.Format.Atom lets me ignore the jumble of namespaces and elements that is RSS 1 and 2. This Atom.js is simpler than GeoRSS.js. The Atom entry atom:content element is the prime avenue for extending Atom, and I've also added support for that. Best practice for georeferencing Atom entries is to use a GML simple features geometry (see OGC 06-049r1) within a georss:where element and OpenLayers.Format.GMLSF supports simple features GML within my new Atom format. The GMLSF format writes gml:pos and gml:posList only, no gml:coordinates, and uses "exterior" and "interior" as ring element tags. On the other hand, it is just as forgiving as OpenLayers.Format.GML when reading. So now an OpenLayers app can write well calibrated feature entries to be POSTed to an AtomPub-style collection like the one at http://sgillies.net/kw/++rest++knowhere/demo. (I'll explain the odd URL in a future post).

That collection is live. I've copied over a few entries from my Hammock app like so:

sean@lenny:~$ curl -X GET http://sgillies.net/hammock/places/6.atom > 6.atom
sean@lenny:~$ curl -X POST -v \
-H "Content-Type: application/atom+xml" \
-H "Slug: Navarro Vineyards" \
--data @6.atom \
* About to connect() to sgillies.net port 80
*   Trying ...... connected
* Connected to sgillies.net (...) port 80
> POST /kw/++rest++knowhere/demo HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.15.5 (i486-pc-linux-gnu) ...
> Host: sgillies.net
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/atom+xml
> Slug: Wehlener Sonnenuhr
> Content-Length: 1301
> Expect: 100-continue
< HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
< Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 20:46:21 GMT
< Server: Twisted/2.5.0 ...
< Content-Length: 73
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
< X-Content-Type-Warning: guessed from content
< Location: http://sgillies.net/kw/++rest++knowhere/demo/wehlener-sonnenuhr
< Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8
Connection #0 to host sgillies.net left intact
* Closing connection #0
Location: http://sgillies.net/kw/++rest++knowhere/demo/wehlener-sonnenuhr

(The ability to copy resources is built into HTTP.) If you browse to http://sgillies.net/kw/demo/map (and wait a few seconds for a pile of javascript to download) you'll see this placemark displayed among others as a vector layer in an OpenLayers map of the demo collection. Toward implementing AtomPub, I have a second vector to serve as a buffer for to-be-posted placemarks. Draw a new geometry in the map using the OpenLayers tools and you'll see it in green. Then set a title, summary, text, a placemark name slug, and click "post". If you've picked a slug that collides with an existing placemark name, you'll see an error message. Otherwise, you'll see the location of the newly created placemark.

Still yet to do are placemark edit and deletion as Chris's AtomPub demo already does. I think that getting this right will require a new OpenLayers.Layer.AtomPub, one that behaves much like the existing WFS layer, but interacts with the server using GET/PUT/DELETE/POST. The protocol implementation, such as it is, currently exists in this page template. The only real novelty in it is the use of the HTTP Slug request header to make suggestions for resource names.

function postPlacemark() {
  var feature = buffer.features[0];
  feature.attributes.title = $("pm-title").value;
  feature.attributes.description = $("pm-summary").value;
  feature.attributes["content"] = $("pm-content").value;
  var atom = format.write(feature);
  var options = {
    method: "post",
    contentType: "application/atom+xml",
    postBody: atom,
    onSuccess: updatePage,
    onFailure: function(xhr) {
      update_status("Failed post (status code "+xhr.status+"). Check your URL.");
  var slug = $("pm-slug").value;
  if (slug.length > 0) {
    options.requestHeaders = ["Slug", slug];
  new OpenLayers.Ajax.Request(collection_URL, options);

My server has the final say, and currently just lowercases the slugs and replaces whitespace with a dash.

I submitted the new Atom and GMLSF formats to OpenLayers (#1366) and look forward to working with the developers to get them into an upcoming release.


Re: Atom and GML Simple for OpenLayers

Author: Yves Moisan

Nice! Eventually being able to delete a vertex while editing (or after) would be useful. I'm a dyslexic typer :-)

Re: Atom and GML Simple for OpenLayers

Author: Tim Schaub

Sounds good Sean. The scattered protocol logic in OpenLayers has been bugging me for a while. I've been tossing around ideas for a protocol class (related to vector CRUD protocols). Before you go following the WFS mess (in OpenLayers) and create an AtomPub layer, please get in touch. I'd like to work on something together that would benefit us all.

Re: Atom and GML Simple for OpenLayers

Author: Brian Flood

hi sean can you keep me in the loop as well? I'd be happy to do whatever I can with the OpenLayers support but I'm also interested in a .net client to AtomPub (for use in a non web editor like ArcMap). It would be nice to syncronize with what you all have done so far. also, of interest is MS's recent decision to make AtomPub the publishing basis for their future ADO.NET Data Services [1]. Their Url schema, while open, is slightly different then what has been discussed for geo-enabled atompub feed (filtering, querying etc). any thoughts? cheers brian [1] AtomPub in Astoria Lots more info in this document: Astoria link

Re: Atom and GML Simple for OpenLayers

Author: Sean

Brian, we're going to take the discussion here: http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/Proposal/Protocols (initial version by Chris Schmidt). I don't follow Astoria at all, but its convergence with AtomPub seems to be big and good news.

Still Not Getting it

Some guy who either can't give up the straw man argument or still doesn't get it writes:

Just like a biker ends up carrying more or less the same weight -- whether as a bike or as a lock, the GIS system users end up paying, one way or another. They pay the software vendor if they choose a commercial platform, or they pay the implementer (in staff time or consultant fees) to glue together the pieces of the “free” solution.

And who exactly is arguing otherwise? Open source is about freedom, not about cost-free operation. How many times does this have to be said?


Re: Still Not Getting it

Author: Gary

It's a good argument when you believe that the only thing open source has going for it is that it's free.

Re: Still Not Getting it

Author: atanas entchev

I am the author of the blog you are referencing. Just like a diamond, this issue has many sides (you can tell that I like analogies). The developer community sees one side, and for that side, represented by your opinion, I am restating the obvious. There are other sides. My blog is targeted to my readers, who are also my clients or prospects. They are municipal engineers, planners, administrators. And a lot of them "don't get it" if I have to use your terminology. A lot of municipal GIS implementers, with little or no IT experience, think that open source *does* equal free. For them is the bicycle analogy.

Re: Still Not Getting it

Author: Sean

So why don't you educate them about the freedom aspect? Why tell them only that between open and proprietary it's all a wash?

Re: Still Not Getting it

Author: James Fee

It just amazes me how hard it is for folks to get beyond the cost aspect of FOSS. I never bring up costs in my marketing, but the freedom FOSS offers. It seems to me folks don't even listen to what I'm saying. My hats off to those that have been dealing with this problem for years.

Re: Still Not Getting it

Author: alexamici

Around here for GIS commercial software the customer pays the licenses and the implementer, expecially in the server space. I might just be lucky with my customers, but apparently most of them get it quite right: no license + full price service = 50% off.

Re: Still Not Getting it

Author: Dave Lowther

@alexamici: ABSOLUTELY. I work with both flavors and my fees usually do not vary. Licensing does...

Re: Still Not Getting it

Author: guillaume sueur

How many time does it have to be said ? Many, maybe written on the moon, not to forget... In April, the french GeoEvenement will begin an "Open Source conferences session" (http://www.ortech.fr/geo-evenement/jeudi_5_avril.php) by this conference (harldy translated) : "Open-Source software, true opportunity or cost-free illusion ?".

Re: Still Not Getting it

Author: atanas entchev

First off, for the record, I am not affiliated with any software vendor. Secondly, I work in an environment totally dominated by ESRI. In New Jersey, the state and all county governments are heavily invested in ESRI technology. So, to a would-be local NJ municipal implementer, the question is not 'what?' but 'how much?'. Typically, the first words out of a NJ municipal official's mouth would be that their town wants to implement ArcView (*not* GIS), and would want to know the cost. The 'freedom' that the developer community values in open source is very different from the 'freedom' a municipal official wants -- the freedom from worry that there will be no support tomorrow for the solution they implement today. On a very rare occasion (I have a handful of examples) will a municipality see the perceived zero cost of implementing FOSS as a sufficiently attractive offset for the perceived uncertainty of implementing FOSS. So, without taking sides, my post points out that the implementation cost of FOSS is not 'zero'. I hope I was clear.

Re: Still Not Getting it

Author: Yves Moisan

atanas entchev says "In New Jersey, the state and all county governments are heavily invested in ESRI technology". Same here, north of the border. Even NGO's are in that situation ! And why is that ? Part of the answer lies in the fact that all our universities have almost solely proprietary geomatics software labs. We should start a domain : edu4edu.org, as in education for educational institutions.

Re: Still Not Getting it

Author: atanas entchev

Yves Moisan says: "Part of the answer lies in the fact that all our universities have almost solely proprietary geomatics software labs." How true this is! I was indoctrinated into GIS while doing graduate studies at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ in 1991. We used PC ARC/INFO. As I was graduating, ESRI released ArcView 1, which promptly found its way into the Rutgers computer lab. The rest is history, as they say.

Re: Still Not Getting it

Author: Sean

Atanas, your post was half flamebait, half cute analogy that doesn't hold up. Linux a wasted effort? Open source GIS a wasted effort by implication? Ridiculous.

Re: Still Not Getting it

Author: atanas entchev

Posting 'flamebait' wasn't my intention, but I should have known better, entering a minefield... :)

Re: Still Not Getting it

Author: Chris

Atanas: Maybe your NJ municipal purchasers need to be gently encouraged to think outside the big box labelled "ESRI"? Talk to other similar organisations who are already exploring alternatives that they think might save them time/money? Try Jason Birch at Nanaimo, BC, for example: http://www.jasonbirch.com/nodes/category/nanaimo/ James Fee is right about the nature of "freedom" in this context, and here in the UK and the wider EU, we are seeing a growing trend of public sector organisations looking at "free" alternatives to the big lock-in contracts with the likes of Microsoft etc for various application areas, even if they are not yet ready to let go of MS-Mommy's hand completely. It's very early days yet, but it looks to me like the GIS sector may be at the beginning of a similar process. And even in the paid-for GIS market, ESRI is not the only option, it's just the biggest (in all kinds of ways :0)).

Growth of the "GeoWeb"

Raj Singh writes this about growth of OGC services and standards:

I was over at Harvard yesterday talking to people from the GSD, the Herbarium, the Library, the new Center for Geographic Analysis, and MassGIS. It was great to see some old friends and make some new ones. One topic that came up was why you don’t see OGC standards in widespread usage. I argued that the geospatial Web is where the regular Web was in 1996, when the tech industry thought that HTML was so easy and powerful that everyone would build their own Web sites – not by writing HTML but by using tools like Dreamweaver. As it turns out, that was still way too high a barrier to entry. People didn’t want the hassle of designing a site from scratch. They wanted to post a blog entry or a MySpace page. That’s when the Web saw a real quantum leap in content.

In 1995, the number of web sites increased from about 10,000 to about 100,000. By the end of 1996, there were about 600,000 web sites. If there are this many WxS servers out there, and the number is growing at such a rate, I'm just not seeing it. My own take is that the WxS-based "GeoWeb" is more like Gopher circa 1993, before the advent of the Web: useful, technically adequate for many purposes, but ultimately just an experiment in web-building. There are design defects in OGC protocols (which use HTTP while keeping it at arm's length) that Raj does not acknowledge here: it's not just a matter of making better geo-editors. WxS was a worthy experiment, but ultimately not the way forward. The explosive growth that Raj is looking forward to is going to happen instead on the new axis of KML (with GML) and HTTP.

More Thinking Beyond the Spatial RDBMS

Update (2008-02-05): Is it a meme yet? Gary Sherman is thinking outside the RDBMS box too.

Interesting question from Kirk Kuykendall:

What I’m proposing here sure sounds a lot like what Hadoop does. I wonder if we will ever see the day when we can use something like Hadoop for geoprocessing with ArcObjects on .NET?

The answer is yes, right now. Maybe on windows, for sure on Linux. The why you'd want to put proprietary per-server-licensed software in the mix – when the point of Hadoop is to leverage the combination of commodity hardware and open source – escapes me. Streaming mappers using JTS or GEOS (or Shapely) seem like the way to go. I'd almost bet that somebody somewhere is already doing this, perhaps with their own proprietary geoprocessing software instead of open source. Now what we really need is spatial indexes for HDFS ... maybe Paul Ramsey is interested in tackling this at his new gig?

Entity Tag

OGC update sequence? Why bother when HTTP/1.1 already specifies ETag?


Re: Entity Tag

Author: Christopher Schmidt

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who had that thought.

Re: Entity Tag

Author: Allan Doyle

History. Inertia. The OGC started in the era of CORBA/COM/OLE/etc. and back then it was considered a virtue to remain completely independent of the underlying transport. So the specs tended to accrete ideas from various places and that accretion was not perfect (ha! there's an understatement, right?). Update sequence actually mimics the Serial member of the DNS SOA record (section 3.3.13. of RFC 1035 A number of other DNS ideas were also batted around, mainly TTL. So much for history, now for inertia. The question becomes, how to best morph from the hodgepodge that is WxS to actual web services? Can it happen inside OGC? Or does it have to happen outside? Can there be a gradual shift, or should there be a clean break? The Geo REST community would be seen as the natural place to start this kind of a thing. However, given my recent experiences with GeoRSS and GeoJSON, I'm not sure whether it can be done by a purely volunteer group. But maybe a week in a monastery could focus enough minds to do it.

Re: Entity Tag

Author: Sean

It think it has to be an outside effort. I care about this stuff and my employer is not an OGC member.

Re: Entity Tag

Author: Homme Zwaagstra

Why indeed! If you're using mapscript I guess you *could* use the MAP/WEB/METADATA/ows_updatesequence to set your own Etag/Last-Modified header, but then if you're scripting you'd probably have far more suitable places to get that data from anyway.