Nit of the Day

RSS 1.0 is a format, RSS 2.0 is a format, Atom is a format. GeoRSS is not a document format as such: it is a trio (one deprecated) of ways to format geospatial metadata within documents.


Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Yves Moisan

To dot the i's and cross the t's for noobs like me, the "trio" refers to RSS 1, 2 and Atom ? And the deprecated one is RSS 1.0 ?

Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Jason Birch

Lol... I certainly understand this, but there's no way that I'm going to say "RSS with GeoRSS-formatted spatial metadata" every time I refer to an RSS feed that contains GeoRSS.

Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Jason Birch

Yves, I would expect that Sean is referring to the three ways that GeoRSS allows you to specify the geometries: Simple, GML, and W3C Geo. The last is the deprecated one.

Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Yves Moisan

@Jason. I just saw it on the GeoRSS site. In fact, I was just coming back to apologize for the noise, but you got there before me. When I say I'm a noob, I mean it ;-). Cheers,

Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Christopher Schmidt

I'd actually argue that it isn't even that: It's simply a syntax for adding geographically-centric tags to *any* element in XML. (I think I even got that confirmed on a GeoRSS conference call.)

Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Artem Pavlenko

Chris, I think you're right here - it is just a syntax. Anyways, this is such trivial stuff (GeoRSS). Is it time to move on? ;)

Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Sean

What do you mean by "move on", Artem? Do you mean move on from GeoRSS to something else? Do you mean move on to doing interesting things with Atom and GML? I think we already are doing that.

Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Artem Pavlenko

Sean, is it me or has GeoRSS been 'over-blogged'? Don't get me wrong, it is a useful micro format (or just a syntax) for mixing in spatial data. It serves its purpose well. But it's only a tiny fraction of the interesting things around :D

Re: Nit of the Day

Author: Sean

I agree that GeoRSS is blogged out. The perception that it is a format like the shapefile is one consequence. On the other hand, I don't think that building geospatial applications using Atom and Atompub type architecture is being blogged nearly enough.