Shapely Manual

This is more or less the final content and format of the Shapely 1.0 manual. I struggled a bit with the choice of format and writer to use. If it had any math I'd probably have reverted to LaTeX, but I'm dodging the math with links to the Java Topology Suite docs and evasive statements like "just go ask Martin Dr J(ts) Davis". OOWriter's HTML export didn't cut it and there was little support for Python code syntax highlighting. Proprietary software or formats were out of the question. Finally I settled on docutils, restructured text, Pygments, and the Pygments code-blocking version of rst2html in the docutils sandbox (also included in the current Trac). The restructured text source is at manual.txt. It works well and looks sharp thanks to a stylesheet from Dave Kuhlman's odtwriter page.

If you're using Shapely, I'd appreciate your feedback on the manual. It's the last ticket on the Shapely 1.0 milestone.


Re: Shapely Manual

Author: Christopher Schmidt

Any reason you chose a different license for the docs than for Shapely itself? Apparently the debian-legal list consider CC licenses to be 'non-free' under the DFSG (!!), though the 3.0 licenses have made it into Debian in the past, so perhaps paying attention to debian-legal in this case is just the wrong direction for actually getting things done. If you don't mind, I'd be willing to package up Shapely for Debian once you release a 1.0 and maintain it there going forward if I can find a sponsor. In any case, it feels weird to have the docs available under a different license than the software. The manual looks great, btw. You might want to ask Howard about adding RST support to your trac instance? I think there's a way to make the docs automatically turn into RST HTML in the browser view... Though it looks like you might know that, so ignore this if it doesn't make sense.

Re: Shapely Manual

Author: Sean

You may be right about the manual license. I've been proposing to change Shapely to BSD already. The combination of GEOS Debian packages and PyPI Shapely packages is already more than sufficient (for me, at least), but a Shapely Debian package would be welcome.

Re: Shapely Manual

Author: Christopher Schmidt

Er, I thought Shapely was under BSD? "I've been proposing to change Shapely to BSD already." doens't make sense, since PyPI and LICENSE.txt both say BSD...

Re: Shapely Manual

Author: Sean

I responded thoughtlessly. Shapely has been BSD licensed since November.

Feed Paging and Archiving

Many of the initial misgivings about applying Atompub to geospatial problems had to do with uncertainty about totality and partiality of feeds. RFC 5005 is attempting to bring more feed standardization to the internet community.


Re: Feed Paging and Archiving

Author: Allan

RFC 5005 definitely shows promise! I like the distinctions between types of feeds. They map very well into the kinds of things the geo community seems to need.

Mush Update

I've updated Mush to use my enhancements and Shapely 1.0a3. Now it will parse GeoRSS GML, Simple, and W3C geometries of all types (points, lines, polygons) from source feeds. For example, here are the last 10 entries from Christopher Schmidt's FeatureServer demo, pulled through the self-intersection processing resource: feed, map.

Please note that, in the interest of conserving resources and minimizing response times, I've limited the number of entries that Mush will read from any feed to 42.

This work reminds me to comment on Andrew Turner's recent post on security issues around feed aggregation. He writes:

The onus of security is on the application or aggregator that pulled the feed on behalf of the authorized user. But at the same time once the feed has been retrieved, there is no storage of the authorization credentials with the feed itself. It has essentially been stripped of it’s shell of potential privacy and looking at the feed itself you would have no idea if it was supposed to be kept private, and visible only to certain, unknown persons.

What would be nice would be a mechanism to store at least references to permissions and authorization credentials within the feed itself. That way if an application still has the feed, or wishes to store it and re-aggregate it, they can apply the same authorization as the feed originally had.

There's another big issue that Andrew doesn't mention (discussed by Richardson and Ruby in chapter 6 of "RESTful Web Services"): how does the aggregator pass along the user's credentials without caching (with risk of theft) them? Mush doesn't intend to solve this problem at all. I think the onus of privacy remains largely on the original content provider. If you want to make a feed for authorized content, you should strip that feed down to the bare minimum and provide https hrefs to the content itself. If the feed metadata must also remain private, you can encrypt specific elements or even the entire feed.

Finally, feeds should be cached for no more than the duration specified by their origin servers. A feed is just a representation of entities that "live" on the Web, and applications should be pulling new representations from the web rather than relying on silos. Storing feeds indefinitely -- treating GeoRSS like shapefiles -- breaks the Web.

OGC and Atompub

Rebranding Atompub as "Federated Geo-synchronization Services" does nothing for me, but at least it is now on the map, so to speak. Some of the more marketing-minded OGC folks on the geo-web-rest group had me worried that the consortium saw REST as just an 80% solution or an architecture for dummies, but "Federated Geo-synchronization" sounds like something that goes beyond simple mashups.

GeoRSS Patch for Universal Feedparser

See In a nutshell, given feeds like:

    <georss:point>36.9382 31.1732</georss:point>


        <gml:pos>36.9382 31.1732</gml:pos>

the entry location, or "where" is parsed out like:

>>> import feedparser
>>> feed = feedparser.parse(file)
>>> entry = feed.entries[0]
>>> entry['where']['type']
>>> entry['where']['coordinates']
(31.1732, 36.9382)

Recognize that? It's GeoJSON. Simple points, lines, polygons, boxes, and GML points, linestrings, and polygons can be parsed. Since entry["where"] also provides the Python Geo Interface, you can use it immediately with Shapely:

>>> from shapely.geometry import asShape
>>> shape = asShape(entry["where"])
>>> shape
<shapely.geometry.point.Point object at ...>
>>> shape.x
>>> shape.y

Open Source GIS in Montpellier?

Y a-t-il des utilisateurs? I'm moving to Montpellier next year and would like to make some contacts in the region.


Re: Open Source GIS in Montpellier?

Author: James Fee

Where is that, France?

Re: Open Source GIS in Montpellier?

Author: Yves Moisan

J'aimerais bien y trouver un emploi également :-).

Re: Open Source GIS in Montpellier?

Author: Sean

Oui, James. Comment est-ce qu'on dit "sabbatical" en français?

Re: Open Source GIS in Montpellier?

Author: James Fee

Beyond french fries, I know very little about France. You'll have to stock up on your Jerry Lewis trivia I'm sure. ;)

Re: Open Source GIS in Montpellier?

Author: Sean

Ever see "The King of Comedy"? I think that was Jerry Lewis's best role.

Re: Open Source GIS in Montpellier?

Author: Yves Moisan

Comment est-ce qu'on dit "sabbatical" en français? On dit une "année sabbatique". Sabbatical, really ;-)

Re: Open Source GIS in Montpellier?

Author: Guillaume Sueur

Hi Sean, I live in Toulouse, 200 km away from Montpellier which is not so far. Let's have a chat in Victoria within 2 weeks. I think we can build up something. I'd love to bring you up some Pic-Saint-Loup, Chateau de Lancyre, but with the crazy rules about liquids in planes it won't be possible.

Re: Open Source GIS in Montpellier?

Author: Pierre GIRAUD

France is a small country (compared to USA) and Montpellier is a great city (good choice). Welcome (in advance). I'll also be in Victoria soon and would be pleased to have a talk with you.

Re: Open Source GIS in Montpellier?

Author: Sean

What good fortune. I'll immediately look for the two of you in Victoria.

Shapely for Python 3.0

Shapely is a thin wrapper for libgeos_c. How thin? With help from the 2to3 tool, I ported Shapely to Python 3.0 in less than an hour -- that's how thin. Since distutils and setuptools aren't quite ready to go, you will have to get the code from the lab repository, add it to your path, and import it in place if you want to try it out:

$ svn co spy3k
$ PYTHONPATH=spy3k /usr/local/py3k/bin/python
Python 3.0a1 (py3k, Aug 31 2007, 17:11:43)
[GCC 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu5)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from shapely.geometry import Point
>>> p = Point(0.0, 0.0)
>>> p.wkt
'POINT (0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000)'
>>> p.buffer(10.0)
<shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon object at 0xb7ccddec>
>>> p.buffer(10.0).area


Re: Shapely for Python 3.0

Author: Matthew Giger

Are you actually moving over to 3.0 already? It's pretty alpha.

Re: Shapely for Python 3.0

Author: Sean

Python's my favorite tool, and I like to know where the cutting edge is.

Re: Shapely for Python 3.0

Author: Sean

Of course, it's also fun to have the first open source GIS package for Python 3.0.

Pleiades Data Update: Cyrene

Yesterday we uploaded Barrington Atlas places from Cyrene (map 38, the region now known as Libya) to Pleiades. The master collection KML ( now contains over 550 places and is pushing the bounds of manageability. The index which will support fast spatial queries of these places is on the workbench right in front of me. After it's finished, we'll be able to leverage the updating features of Google Earth. In the meanwhile, we have a number of sub-collections, by place type and time period: bridges, temples, ..., archaic, classical, etc.

The Greek city of Cyrene (Roman Claudiopolis) is a massive and interesting site. It's just one half-mile west of our placemark.


Re: Pleiades Data Update: Cyrene

Author: darkblueB

aha, something I can contribute! (surprising to me) In the Google python code called Regionator, there is a script called It 'regionates' your large kml. (try it) Each piece is editable, of course...

Re: Pleiades Data Update: Cyrene

Author: Tom Elliott

A couple of folks have enquired about accuracy and precision in this data because, at high zoom, some placemarks fall outside the obvious central areas of some visible sites. In a future upgrade we'll be including that sort of metadata in our KML (and doing some symbolization changes to communicate it visually), but meantime: Pleiades Data Precision and Accuracy.

Shapely 1.0a1

I have just uploaded Shapely to the Python Package Index. For more info see Once you've installed GEOS (libgeos_c in particular) and the Python ctypes module, installing Shapely is as easy as:

$ sudo easy_install Shapely

Update: I fixed a couple bugs and uploaded 1.0a2.


Re: Shapely 1.0a1

Author: brentp

excellent! i really like this library.

Python 3.0a1

Like others, the first thing I checked was the unicode default:

sean@lenny:~$ /usr/local/py3k/bin/python
Python 3.0a1 (py3k, Aug 31 2007, 17:11:43)
[GCC 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu5)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> len('Patara Yüzey Araştırmasının ön Verileri Hakkında')

That's a record from the Pleiades bibliography.


Re: Python 3.0a1

Author: Matthew Giger

I'm excited for v3.0, but they need to focus more on speed and modularity enhancements in my opinion.

Re: Python 3.0a1

Author: Justin Bronn

Personally, I'd prefer they tackle 'big issues' before focusing on optimization. I'd much rather have a slower version than a fast (but buggy) 3.0.