Sound Advice for INSPIRE

It's been reported that the architects of the INSPIRE enterprise are likely to choose WS-*. Before the decision is made, they should read Benjamin Carlyle's lessons of The Web. The point Carlyle makes often, and better than almost anyone else, is the ability of Web-like architectures to evolve. Should INSPIRE's enterprise be a distributed object system, upgrading to new versions across the board simultaneously (and this certainly means rarely)? Or should it be more like The Web, allowing clients, servers, and data to be upgraded independently and as needed? Carlyle's blog is bursting with this kind of sound advice.


Re: Sound Advice for INSPIRE

Author: Yves Moisan

Hi Sean, You've got a typo in one hyperlink : *z* On a related note, I just came across a news on slashdot today which has this interesting excerpt : "Seventy-three percent of [IT] projects with labor cost of less than $750,000 succeed," Jim Johnson says. "But only 3 percent of projects a with labor cost of over $10 million succeed". Small is beautiful. I know that ;-). I'll take a small REST now. Cheers,

Re: Sound Advice for INSPIRE

Author: Sean

Thanks, Yves.

REST follow on

Author: Yves Moisan

Sean, In case you didn't know, there seems to be folks interested in REST at the Multimedia Sprint (Plone 4 Artists) : Excerpt : " RESTful web services for AT content types and vocabularies We have many use cases that involved the sharing/integrating content and vocabularies between systems. We think that REST is an appropriate technology for such goals. Our work will likely take the form of: * Service providers that adapt AT content objects to be exposed via REST * Tools to consume RESTful content/ into our systems." "AT content objects exposed via REST" may be interesting for Plone/PrimaGIS. Could Atom feeds be wrapped in AT objects to be exposed via REST also ? Cheers

Re: Sound Advice for INSPIRE

Author: Sean

Yes: /news/494/designing-simple-gis-services-for-zope/

Why There is no REST in WxS

OGC web services have no uniform interface, and therefore are not well suited for RESTful architectures. That's the why not. A uniform interface is the core tenet of REST. Ron Lake has a comment here.

Let me remind readers that the Geo-Web-REST discussion group is open to the public.


Re: Why There is no REST in WxS

Author: Bill Thorp

Where is the "No REST for the Wicked (WxS)" title for this?

Re: Why There is no REST in WxS

Author: Sean

Too obvious.

Software and Camping Gear

Tom Kralidis asked the following question about OWS common metadata parsing, but it could be asked about almost any aspect of web GIS:

But then I thought why not just implement this in MapServer, and have the functionality exposed via mapscript?

Why write new web GIS software? Why not add to MapServer? I'm going to explain by analogy: it's like picking camping gear.

Call me soft, but I like filtered water, hot meals and drinks, shelter from the rain, and a warm bed when I go camping. For the sake of argument, let's call these the basic requirements for alpine camping equipment:

  • water filtration and storage;

  • heat source for cooking food;

  • shelter from rain and snow;

  • warm bedding;

  • means of transporting the above.

There are 2 distinctly different philosophical approaches to meeting these requirements. The first involves acquiring:

  • a hand-pumped sub-micron water filter, and several liter bottles;

  • a compact single-burner kerosene stove, with pot, kettle, cup, and spoon;

  • a weatherproof, folding tent with light, collapsable graphite framework;

  • a sleeping bag and stuff-sack;

  • a backpack.

The REI approach, if you will (disclosure: I am an REI member). The second approach is to get a recreational vehicle with everything (including the kitchen sink) built in. See where I'm going with this analogy? The RV is certainly convenient, but gives you no flexibility. The configuration of its components is fixed. None of them can be removed and used away from the vehicle. The REI approach, on the other hand, provides maximum flexibility. Want to camp kilometers from a road? Pack your gear in the backpack and walk. Water sources are far from your campsite? Take your filter and bottles to the source and carry treated water back. Maybe you're just "carpet camping" at a friend's ski cabin? Bring only your sleeping bag.

My projects require similarly modular, agile software tools. There are places that MapServer can't readily go, and that's why I'm working on OWSLib, Quadtree, Rtree, GeoJSON, and Shapely.


Re: Software and Camping Gear

Author: Tom Kralidis

In some instances, it's alot easier to build code on top of existing, approved packages so as not to introduce anything 'new' into the mix. For example, it would be easier to build GeoJSON support in OGR, so then one can utilize them from within an already-built-and-deployed GDAL/OGR scenario. P.S. I'm a sucker for analogies -- they are really helpful!

Re: Software and Camping Gear

Author: hobu

Tom, I recently committed GeoJSON output and input of geometries to the next-gen Python bindings in OGR. It has allowed me to do things like this (a service that can reproject GeoJSON from URLs): Howard

Re: Software and Camping Gear

Author: Sean

How about this: build reprojection of GeoJSON data on the web into ogr2ogr? ;)

Re: Software and Camping Gear

Author: hobu

ogr2ogr wouldn't be very webby, would it? As a side note, I will not be implementing any specification that is described on a wiki page in a rigid, statically-typed language like C++. When the dust settles on the spec, we can look at making it part of OGR proper. Howard

Re: Software and Camping Gear

Author: Tom Kralidis

hobu: to clarify, OGR proper has GeoJSON support, right? So I can get to them via Python or Perl, etc.? As for reprojection, I'm a big fan of the ogr/wcts in the GDAL dist, and use it alot. Great web service!!

Re: Software and Camping Gear

Author: hobu

Don't know that there is such a thing as 'proper' GeoJSON support because there isn't a hard spec yet.... Anyway, OGR has Geometry-only GeoJSON i/o in the Python next-gen bindings in subversion. So, no, it isn't in OGR proper as a real driver, just a couple of Python methods in the Python bindings. When the spec settles down, maybe I'll make the effort to write a C++ driver for GeoJSON. It's likely to be messy because OGR doesn't really have a concept of a free-standing Feature, however, and GeoJSON almost exclusively does.

The "GeoWeb Ecosystem"?

I'm stalking the "GeoWeb" buzzword via Technorati and found this prime specimen, which takes it to the next level with "GeoWeb Ecosystem". Most of my offline friends are ecologists, and they talk about little else, so I'm steeped in ecology and sensitive to the use of ecosystem in marketing.

If Google is the primary source of the "GeoWeb Ecosystem", then it's a pretty limited and fragile ecosystem. Like the organisms living off hydrogen sulfide leaking from a deep-sea vent, we must huddle closely around an API, pray to Neptune that it doesn't shut off, and dream of brighter, richer realms.


Re: The "GeoWeb Ecosystem"?

Author: Matthew Giger

Ha! I love it. You forgot to mention being completely in the dark.

Re: The "GeoWeb Ecosystem"?

Author: Brian Timoneyu

I only want to huddle with GIS Certified Specialists. And maybe a cute sales rep. BT

Chocolate and Peanut Butter

Completely untrue:

"It's like combining chocolate and peanut butter. They're good by themselves, but the combination is much more valuable than when they are served in isolation."

(John Hanke, Google's director of maps, in Business Week)

The combination of chocolate and peanut butter is in no way better than pure chocolate. To my dismay, Hanke appears to be either a barbarian, or one who cynically perpetuates the fraudulent premise of Reese's Peanut-Butter Cups.


Re: Chocolate and Peanut Butter

Author: me

Lies! Chocolate with PB chunks has always been the best Baskin Robbins flavor!

North and South

Steve C.-P. pointed me to this bad analogy by David Chappell

To anybody who's paying attention and who's not a hopeless partisan, the war between REST and WS-* is over. The war ended in a truce rather than crushing victory for one side -- it's Korea, not World War II. The now-obvious truth is that both technologies have value, and both will be used going forward.

that Elliotte Rusty Harold picks off and runs the other way for a touchdown:

That's a nice analogy. Take it one step further though. WS-* is North Korea and REST is South Korea. While REST will go on to become an economic powerhouse with steadily increasing standards of living for all its citizens, WS-* is doomed to sixty+ years of starvation, poverty, tyranny, and defections until it eventually collapses from its own fundamental inadequacies and is absorbed into the more sensible policies of its neighbor to the South.

Real Life Object Databases

I enjoyed Martin Davis's love letter to the relational model, but would like to remind readers that object databases aren't entirely academic. The Zope Object Database (ZODB) is employed in Zope and Plone, and supports sites including the Nature Conservancy, the FGDC, the CIA, KCRW, the Brazilian Government, and many other regional or communal government sites. I appreciate relational databases (PostgreSQL in particular) and love SQL, but also appreciate being able to model data and manipulate it purely in Python.


Perspective from a Zope Refugee

Author: Justin Bronn

I appreciate relational databases (PostgreSQL in particular) and love SQL, but also appreciate being able to model data and manipulate it purely in Python.
How is using a strange XML dialect to define your data (ZCML) modeling in "pure python"? I'll stick with my relational database before I let Zope devour every last megabyte of my RAM again.

Re: Real Life Object Databases

Author: Sean

ZCML is for configuring Zope components and has nothing to do with ZODB.

Re: Real Life Object Databases

Author: Justin Bronn

Point taken -- but how many of the sites you listed use ZODB independently, i.e., without Zope? For use in web applications, as you implied, the two are nearly inseparable.

Resource-Oriented WFS: Filters

Update: I made the example a little more clear by pulling the filter out of the wfs:Query.

In a previous post, I wrote that a more RESTful WFS should never accept POST as the HTTP method for a query. Well then, what to do about huge filters? IE limits your GET URI to 2K characters, and Apache will handle only up to 8K. A WFS filter containing literal geometries (like 1:250K boundaries of Norway -- potentially megabytes of fjords) could be many times larger than these limits. So, POST them, although it would be a shame to have to send the filters again for another request?

No. Posting a query destroys the uniform interface, and should only be done if there is no other option. In this case, there is another option, and a fine one: implement filter resources subordinate to feature type resources. The filtered type could then be accessed in the same manner as the feature type itself. The URI:


is a feature type, and:


would be a subordinate filtered type. You'll recognize that this approach is not very different in concept from a Technorati watch list or a Google custom search engine.


Re: Resource-Oriented WFS: Filters

Author: Bill Thorp

Its nice to see you talking about this. How would you reference this filter? Unfortunately, referencing a URI from a query string has a logical fault (fitting 2k+ in 2k). Your post on GML+XLINK rings a strange bell; but its not REST.

Re: Resource-Oriented WFS: Filters

Author: Chris Tweedie

Neat idea Sean. I'm a bit confused why a RESTful WFS services should never accept POST queries, but then your solution still involves POSTing the query template anyway? Would you envisage users being able to create filter templates with dynamic content? eg. Using your example, define a generic school query and define the literal as a var, $type$ then referece the created filter, School% Please forgive my poor REST principles if i am going against the grain :) I could see something like this as being very powerful indeed.

Re: Resource-Oriented WFS: Filters

Author: Keyur

Sean, This approach indirectly helps circumvent the browser cross-domain problem for mashup development as well: POST large datasets (such as large geometries / filters) to the origin server. This creates a new resource and returns a URI to the posted data. Now you can issue a query (a GET) to a server on another domain (with dynamic script tags) by GETing the data from the resource you just created. One caveat is that certain web servers' security policy might prohibit them from accessing external URLs. Not sure what approach would help in this scenario - proxy servers may be? Cheers.

Re: Resource-Oriented WFS: Filters

Author: Sean

Bill, I don't imagine that these filters have any use other than in the context of their "parent" feature type. If you want to use a particular feature or geometry in your filter (referenced by URI) instead of a literal value, by all means do so.

Re: Resource-Oriented WFS: Filters

Author: Sean

Chris, I tried to explain in my previous article why POST is not to be used for queries, but maybe I wasn't clear enough. The HTTP spec states that POST is to be used to submit data. Period. In the context of a feature query, the filter is not data, it is part of the request scoping. However, in the context of creating a new filter resource using the filter factory, the XML-encoded filter *is* data. In HTTP REST you use GET to read only, and POST to write only. Why? Interoperability. The templates are an interesting idea. I've been thinking more about desktop WFS clients with powerful forms and wizards for creating arbitrary filters, and they wouldn't need or use such templates. For other clients, I think you want a simpler API. Instead of
expose a resource to be accessed like
Keyur: I hadn't considered the proxying implications at all. Interesting.

Are GML Documents Hypermedia?

XLink is part of GML, but I've never seen a WFS return GML that links to other resources. Does anybody use GML like this, and what client would they use?


Re: Are GML Documents Hypermedia?

Author: Paul Ramsey

"what client would they use" is the ur-question that everyone ignores despite it's hyper-significance. Why do neogeographers build using JSON or RSS? Because there's a client that can consume them, the web browser. Why is KML relevant? Because there's a client that can consume it! Format relevance is 100% tied to the installed base of products capable of consuming the format -- shape files are still more relevant than GML, because of the huge installed base. If OGC wants GML to be relevant, they should be building and giving away (BSD license) good GML read/write libraries because doing so would drastically up the odds of products integrating GML support.

Re: Are GML Documents Hypermedia?

Author: Sean

Paul, parsing GML to graphically render features is one thing, and that's being done in the browser already. What I'm asking is what clients exist for traversing a web of xlinked GML? In my opinion, without hypermedia links, the "GeoWeb" is just hot air.

Re: Are GML Documents Hypermedia?

Author: Paul Ramsey

In my opinion, without a client, the "GeoWeb" is just hot air... which is saying much the same as you are. Note that KML includes the notion of hypermedia links and there is a KML client that can traverse them. So perhaps the GeoWeb is not hot air, just the GML-GeoWeb.

Re: Are GML Documents Hypermedia?

Author: Bill Thorp

Definitely an interesting question. The Xlink spec says "The hyperlink's effect on windows, frames, go-back lists, style sheets in use, and so on is determined by user agents, not by the hyperlink itself." GML's vision of Xlink seems to be only for defining properties in a non-inline way. EG: [gml:location xlink:href=""/]. In my brief look, I found no other use cases. I don't think they imagined user-interactive "hyper" links at all, simply machine readable distributed data fetching. Building a client that treats Xlinks as a user-controlled "hyper" links would involve delayed xlink parsing, which is probably contrary to most Xlink-aware XML APIs out there.

Re: Are GML Documents Hypermedia?

Author: Allan

I don't think the hyperlinking envisioned by GML was ever meant to be browsed with a browser without some intervening process like an XSLT engine to style things. But I do think it was originally meant to go beyond simply defining non-local properties. The way I understood that part of the vision was that eventually GML data could be stitched together using xlinks.