So This is the ArcGIS Server ADF?

It's an improvement over the abysmal ArcIMS client, for sure, but is less impressive than all the hype suggested. The HTML table of operation panes looks and feels clunky. Reordering the panes conflicts with Firefox's right-click menu. The scale bar is nowhere near as sexy as Tim Schaub's (in PrimaGIS and OpenLayers), and the scale slider is nowhere near as smooth as the one in Google Maps. I was expecting it to feel more usable and look more appealing.


Re: So This is the ArcGIS Server ADF?

Author: dylan

Hi, I posted this on the blog in question, but I see that it was since edited out. The ADF application doesn't work too well on a mac: with safari or firefox, with JS errors and the like. Last night I wasn't even able to see the TIN. This morning I was able to see the TIN, or rather the tiled version of a TIN, however none of the analysis worked. Frankly, I saw better response times from the experimental pywps project! ( ) Cheers, Dylan

Re: So This is the ArcGIS Server ADF?

Author: Sean

Dylan, I see a comment on that blog attributed to you. Comment scrubbing is a pretty strong accusation. Are you sure?

Re: So This is the ArcGIS Server ADF?

Author: dylan

ikes! thats egg on my face. I must have missed it. apologies to all involved. Dylan

Declarative Maps

There is a request in comments for more details and examples of declarative programming with MapServer. Before I elaborate, I must stress that I'm advocating a new-ish, different way of looking at MapServer. It's not widely recognized that the instructions encoded in a MapServer mapfile comprise a domain-specific language. (Norman Vine, for one, gets it.) The reference itself is concerned only with the content of a configuration file, and doesn't acknowledge the existence of a language. Like it or not (and I do have my issues with the syntax and semantics of it), there is a map language. To embrace the map language is to benefit from simplicity, usability, and portability. Now, don't misunderstand, there's nothing inherently wrong with imperative programming. The problem is that imperative mapscripting exposes its practitioners to the many rough edges and pitfalls of MapServer's internal API, and produces less than portable applications.


Re: Declarative Maps

Author: Tim Schaub

Thanks Sean. None of that was obvious to me until described that way. You'll certainly forgive those of us who stumbled into mapserv, immediately found limitations, and jumped to mapscript for the flexibility. Writing mapserver patches is a whole lot more intimidating than writing (smelly) mapscript work-arounds. Until the restrictions you mention are lifted (and more), mapscript will continue to provide an efficient (if not always elegant) way to get things done. Perhaps your advice would be "something missing in mapserv, shp2img, etc? jump on the development team." This is not a practical alternative for folks who need to deliver something next week. I'll take the advice to limit imperative (mapscript) programming and appreciate your ideas.

Re: Declarative Maps

Author: Homme Zwaagstra

I agree that the declarative approach has much to be said for it, and would be much more useful if mapserver (including mapscript!) was open to mapfile input from non file based sources (e.g. mapfiles could come from standard input, or strings). Practicality, however, is often a balance between extremes. In this case initial mapfiles can often be created using your favourite templating/text-based approach. Mapscript sessions can then be instantiated with these mapfiles (saving much imperative drudgery) and used to tweak the map as required.

Heads in the Sand

In the comments of James Fee's AGX vs GE post (and others), ESRI users cling desperately to the mantra that ArcGIS Explorer and Google Earth do different things and aren't competitors. However, as Stephen Geens notes (at the end of this post), Google Earth users with a serious GIS background are ready, willing, and able to compete with AGX and ArcGIS services.


Re: Heads in the Sand

Author: James Fee

GE is a non-starter Sean. $400 a pop? I don't know about you, but I don't have that kind of money in my budgets. World Wind + Open Source GIS Server has much more potential competing with the AGS/AGX stack. AGX won't appeal to my clients as they don't really have the need or budgets for 3D Globe applications. I'm more interested in movement toward OpenLayers, integrating existing ArcIMS and WMS services.

Simplicity and the Corporate Development Firewall

Good post from Pete Lacey about how much of the IT industry can't hear the victory cheers. Thanks largely to Google, the situation is better in the geospatial business. Google Maps and Earth have utterly breached the firewall in our industry. Only the deepest of the deep corporate spider-holes could hide a geospatial developer from un-enterprisey ideas like the GMaps API, KML, GeoRSS, and REST.

Plone Conference Keynote Video

I didn't expect it to happen at all, but Eben Moglen's keynote address at the Plone Conference moved me. I admit that it's easier to do these days now that I'm a parent and feeling sappy. (How sappy? My wife and I almost lost it at the end of Peter Jackson's King Kong, that's how sappy.) I want my daughter to grow up in a more free, more fair, better world, and I'm proud to consider that my work on free software is helping to make that better world possible.

My favorite stretch of the keynote is where Moglen asks us to consider a world of proprietary math. Imagine that you can only use as much math as you can afford. Multiplication and division might be too expensive for the poor or underemployed. The means to solve simultaneous PDEs might be beyond all but the most wealthy.

What if Newton or Liebniz had been inclined and able to lock up Calculus with a proprietary license? Developments in the field of Mathematics would have slowed to a crawl, hamstringing the Enlightenment. What if Legendre had locked his Transform with a proprietary license? Mathematical Physics would never have flourished. There'd be no electronics, no atomic theory, no computers, no iPods. We'd be sitting around complaining about the price of newspapers and oil to keep our lamps lit.

According to Moglen, this is where we are at today with regards to software. Watch him make the case for free software in large (YouTube) or massive format (

Stop Using Mapscript

Stop using MapScript. I recently gave this advice to an email correspondent, and I'm repeating it here for my readers. Cease, or at the very least, minimize your use of MapServer's various language bindings. Instead, embrace MapServer's domain-specific language (DSL) and write more of the declarative cartographic scripts known as mapfiles. Use the mapserv (or shp2img) program to compile these scripts into images. This is the path to happiness and prosperity.

A common complaint of the mapscript programmer is: "My program runs N times slower than the MapServer CGI". Of course it does. MapServer's code has been stressed and optimized over the years. It's faster and less buggy than anything you're going to write without serious effort.

MapServer's scripting APIs are inconsistent and not well documented, not friendly to the user. On the other hand, your favorite programming environment bristles with excellent tools for creating text documents such as a MapServer mapfile. Ed McNierney has long advocated the use of C preprocessors to generate mapfiles. A fine example for Python is Allan Doyle's ElementBuilder-based mapfile builder. I would be surprised if Ruby's Builder couldn't be extended in a similar fashion.

Another reason to embrace MapServer's DSL is the reasonable expectation that tools will evolve to port your MapServer mapfiles to other applications. Good luck getting help to port your thousands of lines of custom mapscript code to PrimaGIS, Mapnik, or MapGuide.

MapServer has but one obstacle to programming in such a completely declarative style: you can't pipe in a script. The script must be a file on disk (hence the "file" in mapfile), and this requires an often unnecessary I/O round trip. For the same reason, Allan has to write his mapfiles out of Python to disk before he can load them again into mapscript map objects: maps can not be instantiated from strings.

Why do these limitations persist in MapServer? Because developers lost the declarative trail when they found mapscript. Among them, I was caught up in writing too much code with From a distance, it's clear to me that I overlooked many of the benefits of using MapServer in a completely declarative style.


Re: Stop Using Mapscript

Author: Christian

Hi M. Gillies, I am a programmer at the McGill University in Montréal, where I work on a GIS based surveillance and analysis system for TB cases. It's been a couple of weeks since I decided to use Mapserver for our system, and I am still prototyping it using a mix of PHP and Python Mapscript, PostGIS and the R statistical language. I am also studying the possible use of a dynamic client UI package (Ka-map seems an interesting one). Since I am a novice Mapscript programmer I had to gather infos about it from a variety of reference files and tutorials. I am satisfied with what I was able to achieve up to now, but I was quite intrigued today by your post with the advice that "we should stop using Mapscript" (I am reading your blog quite regularly by the way). I would like to know more about that idea of relying less on Mapscript, and more on the Mapserver DSL, through increased use of mapfiles. Could you expand on this change from the procedural paradigm to a more declarative one? Of course I woulndn't ask for a code tutorial, but I would like some more precise ideas, if you have time for that.

Start Using the Mapserver CGI Interface

Author: Paul Ramsey

90% of the stuff people are doing in Mapscript can be done just as well via the Mapserv CGI interface. Most of what Mapscript provides is the abilty to jimmy with settings in an existing mapfile, they hit the big red DRAW button. Well, you can do that just as well with the mapserv.cgi. Go here and then go right to the BOTTOM, to the obscure little section labelled "Changing map file parameters via a form or a URL". Then swear off mapscript for good.

Re: Stop Using Mapscript

Author: Sean

Paul, mapscripting via CGI query string is a smelly hack. On the other hand, you are right, it covers most of the same ground as mapscript.

Re: Stop Using Mapscript

Author: Paul Ramsey

Smellier than dumping mapfiles onto the filesystem and re-ingesting them? I would have thought using mapserver as a pure "web service" got more style points than the dump'n'read approach. A nice side-effect of my trick is that when you're deploying you can put your mapserv instance separate from your application server.

Landscape Words

Place names and class of names are the main points of our upcoming Pleiades milestone, so it's an interesting coincidence to hear about Barry Lopez's book about landscape words on NPR the other evening. Reading the excerpts, I became a little sentimental about the names of my favorite landscape, the Colorado Plateau: slot canyon, dry fall, reef, arch, tank, water pocket.

More on the Plone Conference Sprint

I've always done a poor job of explaining what these software sprints are all about. Jon Stahl does a much better job here. If you look closely you will see my chin in the very upper left corner of the fifth photo in his blog entry, sitting just behind Jackie, Martin, and Alexander.