2025 running goals
2024 was a bust, but I like my plan and am going to reuse it for 2025. That means my A race is the Bear 100 Mile in September and my B race is the Never Summer 100K in July. I'm already registered for those two events. I'm still looking for shorter events for April, May, and June.
My long range planning spreadsheet looks like this today. 32 weeks of training in four phases. It's modeled after the one on page 230 of Jason Koop's book (2nd edition) and begins with eight weeks emphasizing speed work and weight lifting, with plenty of active recovery and bike riding.

Screenshot of a Google spreadsheet. Each week from January through September is a column.
My oldest kid is signed up for the Bolder Boulder 10K in May, and I'll be supporting her there. Maybe I should sign up for it. I have never run a paved 10K.
My friend David Bitner, who got me into ultrarunning, is coming to Colorado for Never Summer and I am super excited about that. It'll be a good time.