Superior training week six recap
Week six was a productive one with four days of running. One tough speed workout, a tempo run in the hills, and one long run along the first ridge on the east edge of the Rocky Mountains. Here are the numbers.
7 hours, 42 minutes running
37.5 miles
4396 ft D+
Saturday I helped at Quad Rock. I transported drop bags from the starting line to the Horsetooth aid station (miles 10 and 40) and then spent 12 hours at the aid station with a stint of watching a tricky trail intersection a mile upstream.

Starting line, 5:15 a.m.

Horsetooth aid station, 6:40 a.m.
Mid-day it was warm, about 85° F (30° C). Every runner coming into the aid station a second time looked overheated to some degree, and still had one final climb to go with much of it in full sun. We cooled them down; put ice in water bottles, bandanas, hats; and handed out popsicles. It was super satisfying to see energy and smiles come back to the runners. According to OpenSplitTime, everyone who left our aid station finished. We had one person drop and 4 who didn't make the time cut.
After the trail sweepers came in from the previous station, I helped pack up, and then transported drop bags and the DNF runners to the finish.
Rain fell early Sunday. I waited for it to stop and then went out for an extremely easy 15-mile trail run bracketed by 3-mile bike rides from and to home. I saw lots of kids hiking with their moms.

Finally a hint of green