Never Summer week thirteen training recap
11 hours, 27 minutes
56.8 miles
8497 feet D+
This was 6 days of running, 4 in a row to end the week. One yoga practice on my off day, one post-run session of weight training. One speed workout at Pineridge: a 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 pyramid. One hill workout on the Greyrock trail on Friday morning. Greyrock Mountain (7,613 feet) is a dome of Silver Plume Granite formed 1.4 billion years ago, the same rock that makes up our closest 14-er, Longs Peak. It's a pretty peak with a little pond at the top. And the trail is steep, with long stretches of 13% grade.

Greyrock Mountain

Early morning shadows


Summit pond

From the summit, looking NE toward Nebraska and Wyoming
My workout at Greyrock was pretty intense. I was feeling it on my Saturday long run at Pineridge and still today on my long run at Lory State Park. I didn't get great photos today, but the weather and ambiance were fantastic: mist on the mountains from yesterday's rains giving way to sun and blue skies. The park is greening up quickly and will be bursting with geranium and penstemon in 1-2 weeks. I heard turkeys, saw an oriole, smelled wild plum blossoms, encountered friends who were wearing masks, too ✊. A great end to a hard week.