Training week ten recap
I ran just 5 days this week, with one bike ride for cardio exercise and one rest day, but still increased my distance and climbing numbers.
9:26 running time
49.1 miles
6519 feet D+
I did not smash my pole to road PR as planned on Wednesday because of an emergency pit stop, but was on pace to do it, and had a satisfying hill workout overall. Saturday, I joined a big group of local runners at Horsetooth Mountain's Soderberg trailhead for a Quad Rock training run and managed to hang with the slower group for 18 miles and 2 summits at a pace that would make the race time cuts with plenty of time to spare. It was much the same route that I ran with David Bitner three weeks ago. There was less snow, but more ice. I fell once on my butt and right hand and jammed my shoulder. It stiffened during the remainder of the run and has stayed sore, but not so sore as to stop me from running today. I went out for a short long run by myself at Pineridge and Maxwell to top up my miles and did get a new pole to road PR by a small margin. I think 26.4 might be my most miles in a weekend ever. Among the many people on the trails were folks from yesterday's group run.

Not great photo of a great mountain view from the top of the Westridge trail