The Web Linking internet draft is in final call. This means that soon
we'll have a standardized registry of web link relation types, rules for
extending the set of registered links, and rules for serializing links in HTTP
headers and/or request and response bodies. The ID also defines what a link is:
In this specification, a link is a typed connection between two
resources that are identified by IRIs [RFC3987], and is comprised of:
- A context IRI, and
- a link relation type (Section 4), and
- a target IRI, and
- optionally, target attributes.
A link can be viewed as a statement of the form "{context IRI} has a
{relation type} resource at {target IRI}, which has {target
An IRI, if you don't know, is an Internationalized Resource Indentifier, the
Unicode complement to the URI. The draft uses IRI in its language, but you can
read it as URI or URL without loss of meaning.
I'm not going to blog about every last call, but this one is especially
interesting to me and relevant to the discussion about GIS and Web
architectural styles. If you look at the header on its status page, you see
that the draft is a "Proposed Standard". It would be a standard for the entire
internet, not just a particular business domain. New media can standardize on
it. Library systems can standardize on it. Geospatial systems can standardize
on it. The proposed Web Linking standard has been the context for my writing
and blogging about a where link relation which I'd like to submit for
registration soon – let me know if you recognize yourself as a stakeholder and
we'll do it together.
This last call comes at about the same time Ron Lake wrote the following in an
article partly responding to "some people" who ask where is the web in
Some of the issues revolve around the weak typing and weak semantics of a
hyperlink. In the web of documents this does not matter so much, since this
is a world with a person in the loop. Get the wrong document? Check again.
Much tighter specification of type and semantics is required in the web of
systems, or chaos may result.
His article was illustrated with a (different) image of a staffed switchboard
to emphasize or exaggerate the dependency of the web on human operators. I believe that is in
fact not Andrew Turner at the very back of this one I found on Flickr.
An HTML <img> element is a specialized link with very tight semantics that
is often wrapped, as in the case of the very image above, by a more generalized
link to a home page for the image. What the Flickr resource means to this blog
post is rather underspecified by the link I'm using, but the semantics of the
<img> tag need no human interpreter at all.
Let's consider what links bring to a modern web mapping application in your web
browser. When you use the browser to fetch the HTML representation of a web map
page, it finds among other things HTML <link> elements with rel="stylesheet"
and various <script> elements. A script is a link with extra well-defined
semantics. A web browser "knows" via the processing rules labeled
"text/html" these semantics – that it's supposed to fetch the stylesheet resources identified by
those links using HTTP GET and apply them in rendering the HTML page. Following
other rules in the same "text/html" set, the browser fetches javascript files
and interprets them. That code might create new <script> elements in the DOM,
thereby loading, dynamically, more javascript without any human intervention.
Only after this (in general) does a human enter the loop. That human uses the
javascript UI to choose an area of interest, code creates <img> elements in the
page's DOM (as I wrote before, an <img> is yet another specialized link), and
the browser "knows" once again following others in the same set of rules that
it is to fetch the imagery and render it in the page to show the user. HTML is
full of links with strong semantics and non-human agents use them to great
effect. In not one of those cases there did a human need to judge the semantics
of a link or the type of thing it references. Non-browser web applications can
exploit links in similar ways to accomplish different tasks.
The initial registry for Web Linking includes some fuzzy relation types like
"payment" (indicates a resource where payment is accepted), but also sharper
ones like "previous" and "next". Extension types may be as semantically fine as
necessary. My feeling about a "where" link relation is that it ought to indicate a resource representing the coordinates of the link's context so that it could
be used, with a gazetteer, in place of literal geometries in (for example) an Atom feed:
In practice, the target of the link ought to come in a standard content type
such as RDF/XML, GML, or KML that has well-defined geometries, or as HTML with
an alternate link to a geographically-suited format.
Read the section about links in HTTP headers too: imagine turning legacy GIS
data files into linked data with just a few rewrite rules.