Browsing spatially referenced Djatoka images with OpenLayers

A while back my colleague Hugh Cayless wrote a Djatoka layer for use with OpenLayers. It is deployed at UNC's library, allowing you to view over 3000 North Carolina Maps. View the source on any map and you'll quickly get a sense of how it's rigged up. You pass a URL encoding requests for image regions and a URL encoding requests for image metadata to the OpenURL layer constructor, it figures out the grid and zoom levels for you, and you add the layer to a map that's configured using the layer's resolution, maximum extent, and tile size parameters. It works much like a TMS layer, but in pixel units.

I began with this code for a different project and modified it to satisfy some of my project's special needs:

  • The imagery of a physical object and its annotations will be shown in their natural units – centimeters.

  • Square tiles will be used instead of rectangular tiles with the same aspect ratio as the physical object (approximately 13:1).

  • Browser and image server are in different domains, complicating discovery of image metadata.

I decided to go with Djatoka instead of an open source GIS map server like GeoServer or MapServer because the project, while spatial in nature, doesn't require cartographic projections or spatial indexing; I was interested in trying something new; and NYU's already got one running (Thanks, Hugh!). I ended up modifying Hugh and Cliff's OpenURL.js considerably. Now, it's more like a hybrid between OpenLayers.Layer.Image and OpenLayers.Layer.WMS. The code is at

Unlike a GIS map server, Djatoka doesn't pad requests: it fails if you ask for regions outside the image. To have square pixels, I've had to pad my imagery a bit. It's now 43008 pixels wide by 3072 pixels high, exactly 14:1. This makes the right tile size 192 x 192 pixels. As things stand, my new OpenURL layer can't be used in the same map as Hugh's, so I haven't bothered to rename it yet. It's used like this:

var RES = 1.0/60.3; // Centimeters per pixel
var size = new OpenLayers.Size(43008, 3072);
var origin = new OpenLayers.LonLat(-16.6222, -1.2174);
var extent = new OpenLayers.Bounds(
    origin.lon,, origin.lon + size.w*RES, + size.h*RES);

// Zoom factors of 1/8 to 4
var resolutions = [8.0*RES, 4.0*RES, 2.0*RES, 1.0*RES, 0.5*RES, 0.25*RES];

// At zoom level 0, the image is covered by 2 x 28 tiles
var tileSize = new OpenLayers.Size(192, 192);

var mosaic = new OpenLayers.Layer.OpenURL(
  'All section, mosaicked',
  '', // for example, 404 in reality
  { format: 'image/jpeg',
    units: 'cm',
    tileSize: tileSize,
    resolutions: resolutions }

var map = new OpenLayers.Map(
  { units: 'cm',
    tileSize: tileSize,
    resolutions: resolutions }

A very simple application of this layer can be seen at