It's my family's tradition to get a live farmed tree on the first weekend of
December and hang every single ornament we own, some of them 40 years old, on
it along with some big ass LED lights in primary colors. The effect is
sentimental and chaotic and we love it.
Thanks to heavy snow on October 25 and cooler weather, the Cameron Peak Fire is 92% contained and continues to
cool down. People are returning to their homes, CO
14 is open again between Fort Collins and Gould, and crews are beginning the
work of retiring fire lines to mitigate erosion and runoff before the winter
snowpack forms. The nearby Mullen and East Troublesome fires are also quiet.
Air quality has been good and I've returned to running semi-regularly. On
November 1 I ran up to the top of Lory State Park to get a view of the burn.
Crews stopped the eastward run of the fire at County Road 25E, which runs along
the base of Buckskin Heights.
Buckskin Heights burn is in the middle ground
If the fire had started a week earlier, or if the snow had arrived a week
later, we might have lost the forest in Lory. It was a close call.
Lory State Park dodged a bullet
On November 8, I ran at Red Mountain Open Space for the first time. The trails
are smooth and very runnable and there are some Triassic and Jurassic sandstone
formations reminiscent of those you'd see further west on the Colorado Plateau.
It's a bit of a drive to get to the trailhead, but I'll come out here again,
for sure.
View from a high point on the edge of Red Mountain Open Space
To survive the election and the vote count I made a huge pot of Alsacienne soul
food. First, I did a quick cure of some pork belly to turn it into petit salé.
On election day I sauteed onions, garlic, carrots, bay leaves, and simmered
them with homemade sauerkraut, adding the petit salé, ham, kielbasa, and boudin
blanc at the end.
This kept me well stressed-fed through Thursday. Friday we had kimchi and cheddar cheese
quesadillas and some sparkling wine from California as Biden and Harris neared
Saturday morning? I don't remember what we ate. I don't think I needed anything
after so much choucroute garnie the week before and after the good news. I took
a bunch of backlogged junk to the dump, which seemed like the perfect way to
celebrate Trump's loss.
I don't have too much to say about the election. It was dramatic and stressed
me out quite a bit. I'm extremely relieved that Biden and Harris won and can't
wait to see Trump and his band of racist crooks and incompetent toadies leave. It's
perplexing that so many Americans voted for this cruel, narcissistic clown.
Only 71 more days. I hope he spends all of them
golfing instead of doing more damage.
I'm indulging myself in a look back at my first trail race in France, the 2016
Trail des Calades
in Saint-Jean-de-Cuculles, a village in the Pic Saint-Loup wine region just north of Montpellier.
The town and its église de la Nativité-de-Saint-Jean-Baptiste
are a nicely preserved minor medieval site. We ran out the ancient fortified gate of
the town to begin the race. I never tired of the palpable history around me
while I was living in France. Maybe the feeling wears after a while and you just
want to replace it with some kitsch?
Fall decor
I went back to the race website and found a photo of myself on a particularly
steep part of the course. The Trail des Calades climbs (and descends) 650 meters over 16.5
kilometers, an average grade of 4%. The segment in the photo was closer to 15%.
Heading up the Combe de Mortiès
The black soil of the Combe de Mortiès is Toarcianmarl containing lignite and fossils from
shallow seas of the early Jurassic. Ammonites are common in this formation and
images of these ancient molluscs are used in local brands.
Glass of wine poured in August 2016
Sadly, it seems that the 2020 edition of the race was cancelled. I hope that it
will be back next year. Hang in there, organizers and supporters.
The Cameron Peak Fire began two
months ago and is the largest fire recorded in Colorado. It has burned over
167,000 acres (67,000 hectares). 30,000 acres burned on Wednesday in a 15-mile
run that appears as an uncontained eastward-stretching red lobe in the map
Fire map for morning of 2020-10-16
The limber pine groves around Signal Mountain and Donner Pass that I ran
through on June 7
burned on Wednesday. I know people who are getting evacuated near this new
run. Horsetooth Open Space and Lory State Park are closed. High winds are
expected again today and according to the incident commander more crown fire
runs may be possible. It's a bad situation.
We're experiencing another episode of poor air quality in Fort Collins due to the
Cameron Peak and Mullen fires. The graph below is from a monitoring site near
my house.
I ran for 5 hours during the Saturday-Sunday dip but haven't been on the trail
yet this week. I'm getting tired of this crap.
I enjoyed reading the race director's recap
today. My friend and former neighbor, Steve Wood, won the men's 60+ division
with a time of 2:20:52 and Janelle Lincks destroyed the women's record. Her
time: 1:36:26. Check out the linked post for great photos of runners on the