Fiona 1.10.0
I made a software release last Tuesday. One with new features, deprecations, major refactoring, and packaging and dependency changes, not just bug fixes. Fiona 1.10.0 has three main changes: Python openers, CLI filter commands, and new data classes.
Python openers can connect filesystems implemented in Python, like fsspec or tiledb.vfs, to GDAL's own virtual filesystem machinery. In most cases, you should reply on GDAL's built-in virtual filesystem handlers. On the other hand, if you have unique or proprietary data access protocols, then Fiona's new openers may be useful. As far as I know, Fiona (and Rasterio) have the only open source implementations of GDAL's virtual filesystem plugin system. David Hoese had the initial idea, Even Rouault helped a lot, and I got it over the finish line. I think this is right up there with MemoryFile for my favorite feature that didn't exist in Python-GIS software before.
Fiona's CLI has three new commands, filter (strictly speaking, a new mode of this command), map, and reduce. These provide some great features for Unix-style data processing pipelines and are designed to work well with jq and programs of that nature. Think of them as the data processing part of ogr2ogr, split into 3 simpler commands, reading and writing to stdin/stdout by default, with no SQL and no need to know about different SQL dialects. The documentation contains a new tutorial about using filter, map, and reduce. This work began in planetlabs/fio-planet and now lives in the Fiona CLI core. Thank you, Tim Schaub, for stewarding the transition.
Lastly, Fiona now longer represents GIS features (and their geometries and
properties) as Python dicts, but as Python classes: fiona.model.Feature
, and fiona.model.Properties
. These classes provide
dict-like access for backwards compatibility, but raise warnings when mutated.
These data classes will be immutable in version 2.0.
A lot of GIS-Python attention has moved on to columnar data and massive amounts of time series, trajectories, telemetry, etc, using Parquet and Arrow. But, there's still a need to reason about spatial things in our world and their relationships to each other. Classic GIS features, in other words. Watersheds, counties, neighborhoods. That's what Fiona remains concerned about.