Bear training weeks nine, ten, and eleven recap
I'm catching up on three weeks of running in this post. I'm making progress. Poor weather, knee pain, and a return of last summer's PACs complicated my training a bit. I'd like to have run a little more, but have been mixing in more high quality speed workouts and have been consistent with weight training and yoga. While not in the same form that I was when training to peak in May 2019 or July 2020, I'm not in terrible early season shape. Here are the numbers.
Week nine:
6 hours, 15 minutes running
30.1 miles
2,441 ft D+
On Sunday I got out for a hilly run in the snow.

Snowy Howard Trail with large mammal tracks to the left
Week ten:
5 hours, 7 minutes running
28.3 miles
1,122 ft D+
Week 11:
4 hours, 56 minutes running
25.8 miles
2,208 ft D+
On Saturday local trails started opening up again and I got a nice long run on dry dirt. It was wonderful.

Horsetooth Reservoir in transition from winter to spring