Quad Rock training week nine recap
Snow made it hard to go far or climb up, but I hung in and persevered.
12 hours, 56 minutes
56.3 miles
8386 ft D+
At least the weather was favorable this weekend. Sunny with a high temperature of 2-3 °C and light wind. Muddy trails froze solid Saturday night and so the trails were icy but not sloppy on Sunday morning. The nice weather let me go uphill in a t-shirt and light gloves and only unpack my wool top for long shady descents. I didn't use my windbreaker at all, or my first aid kit. I spent a lot of time on the infamously icy Mill Creek trail on Saturday and was relieved to find that all of my favorite places to slip and crash were well covered with heavy snow.

Snow-free hillside with a heavily drifted trail

Looking southwest from Horsetooth's Westridge trail to Longs Peak
Warmer and drier weather is in the forecast for the first week of March. I'm looking forward to ice-free and drier trails next weekend.