Never Summer training week fourteen recap
Another week of fair, if breezy and cool, weather. Good for running, unlike week fourteen of my 2019 season.
12 hours, 39 minutes
63.7 miles
9925 feet D+
Just short of 10,000 feet of climbing for the week. I had four weeks with greater mileage last season, but only two with more elevation gain.
I went back to the gravel track for 5 minute repeats on Wednesday. My effort was half-hearted: I ran the same pace as I did for my last track workout in March, and according to my watch, at a lower HR. I might be more fit, but I didn't translate that into more speed this week.
I practiced yoga twice and sets of pushups, split squats, and step ups after my easy run on Friday. I skipped one weight-lifting session to do a little more computer work.
One thing I didn't slack off on this week: running uphill. I went for a steep 8 mile run in Lory State Park on Thursday. Eight miles is short for me these days, I didn't bring food or water for this one. Saturday I went for an all-morning run at Bobcat Ridge. Bobcat Ridge is the name of the city's natural area. The name of the ridge I summitted twice is Green Ridge.

Looking east at Horsetooth and Milner mountains from Green Ridge
Today I went twice up the Towers road, from the Soderberg trailhead to the radio and television facilities at the top of Horsetooth Mountain Open Space. A local runner that I follow on Strava did this five times on Saturday, but two was all I needed today.