Station identification
Hi, my name is Sean Gillies, and this is my blog. I've been writing here since 2005 and more often in the past year as I've weaned myself off Twitter. I'm going to write even more in 2019. What about? Generally: life and work. You can subscribe to either or both of those feeds if you like, in case running or standards wonkery bores. More specifically, I write about running, cooking and eating, travel, family, programming, Python, API design, geographic data formats and protocols, open source, and internet standards. Mostly running and local geography. I live mostly in Fort Collins, Colorado, and sometimes in Montpellier, France. I work at a startup called Mapbox, building location data services and products.
I hope you'll subscribe or continue to subscribe. I love to get comments on my posts via email. You can find my address in the "about" page linked at the top of this page.