Training week two recap
Week two of my training ended today. I spent 5 hours and 45 minutes running 31.1 miles and gaining 2812 feet of elevation on 4 different days. I was sick in bed Wednesday evening and all day Thursday, missing my favorite small group training and an easy run. I did lift weights on Monday, however, and made my favorite yoga classes. By going relatively long on Saturday I was able to hit my mileage target for the week.
I ran at Reservoir Ridge twice and at Maxwell and the singletrack east of Horsetooth Reservoir once. We had snow on Thursday, but only an inch or so, and dry, so the trails are still mostly dry with some packed powder in the shade. Good conditions for running.
Saturday I saw a Canyon Wren at our Maxwell natural area for the first time. I've seen them many times in the Southwest, but they're rare here. Maxwell has a little bit of red sandstone, so they should probably feel at home.

Canyon wren (Catherpes mexicanus) by Noel Reynolds