2007 (old posts, page 30)

KML Balloon Templating and Charts

Now that's slick.

Speaking of KML 2.2, leave it to the OGC to turn this bookmarkable, addressable web page into a 268 page Word document. Even as a PDF, discussion of the proposed spec on the internet is hampered. Unable to begin discussion like (for example) this:

I have misgivings about http://code.google.com/apis/kml/documentation/kml_tags_beta1.html#balloonstyle. What do you think of it?

we're stuck instead with:

I have misgivings about section 6.5 in the PDF that's archived under http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/requests/45. Will you click through, download, unzip, search for that section and tell me what you think of it?

Can we not use the web like the IETF does?.


Re: KML Balloon Templating and Charts

Author: Yves Moisan

For a great many organizations, the web is just an access point to Office/PDF files. The city of Montréal published its "Plan de transport 2007" in May as a PDF file that you are meant to comment on through a form on their portal. Download the PDF (huge because it's all nicely imaged in final, presentable form), read it, copy/paste sections you want to comment on (presumably prepare all your comments in some text editor beforehand), then copy/paste in the forms' "Comment" text area and "Submit". EasyCommenting reinvented ;-).

OpenAerialMap Fort Collins

I just finished filling out the paperwork and voila. Christopher Schmidt did everything else. Other Fort Collins data has already been pumped into OpenStreetMap, so go ahead and click on that option.

This imagery was acquired on a bad hair day for the city. Check out our lovely City Park pond. It was being drained in preparation for dredging and installation of an aerator.


Re: OpenAerialMap Fort Collins

Author: Mike

Do you know what date/time these photo's were taken?

Re: OpenAerialMap Fort Collins

Author: Sean

"November 2002" is all the city says. You could email or call for more details.

Uranium Mining in our Backyard

I've been following the story but missed this Times piece. Fortunately, the world's best mother-in-law clipped and mailed it to us. I'm open-minded about nuclear energy, but mining around a local aquifer seems awful risky considering the scarcity of water here on the Front Range. It's also a stretch to say that the local uranium is going to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the city since there is no new nuclear power plant coming online to replace the local coal plant.

Fort Collins's corny and expensive new city motto also gets a mention.

My Fantasy Movie

Last week, after watching "The Bourne Ultimatum" with my wife at the 2nd-run cinema on a rare adults-only date (well worth $3, by the way), I seized on the idea that somebody should stick Charles Stross and Guillermo del Toro in a room and keep them there until they've made "The Atrocity Archives" movie. They'd need a cast too, so put Simon Pegg in there to play Bob, and Christopher Plummer to play Bob's boss.

Today I discover that I'm not alone in this fantasy land. Wacky. Won't happen, of course; another Hellboy movie will have to do.

Stross dumps on Amazon's Kindle in that post, and has my favorite explanation yet for the glowing praise it got in the geo blogs: people just lost their saving throw against shiny!