Back in Montpellier
My family and I arrived in Montpellier, France last Thursday evening by train from Paris after flying in from Detroit and Denver. Everything went pretty much as planned and we arrived at Montpellier's Gare Saint-Roch on time. We're here to hang out with friends on vacation and are staying in a rental house at our old tram stop.

The green door is open!
The first thing I did Friday morning was put on my running shoes and run through Parc Méric to the gate at the Réserve Naturelle de Lunaret. In 2016 the gate was closed from July until early October, but it's open now. I've done two runs on the singletrack between the Zoo and the Lez River already!
Our friends are doing well here and we're enjoying long lunches with them. My French is a little rusty, but I'm getting up to speed pretty quickly. The only bad experience so far is that I'm missing a canoe trip on the Hérault River because of gastroenteritis. A virus, I guess, because Ruth and Arabelle had the same symptoms last week. I hope I won't be out of action for too long – I didn't come all the way here to fast and nap. If you're really into photos of croissants and bottles of wine, you can find them on my Instagram.