Mapping McCain's homes
Speaking of maps in the media -- I like this one of John McCain's homes:

I know he doesn't personally use the internet tubes, but maybe an aide can print it out and help McCain keep track of these places.
Does this kind of "attack map" contribute to the stupefication of US politics? Yes, perhaps, but I for one am happy to see the other side get the rare pleasure of defending itself from this kind of bullshit. For once.
Re: Mapping McCain's homes
Author: Andres
Awesomeness. Thanks for sharing this! I'm booking a spa vacation at the compound right now,Re: Mapping McCain's homes
Author: Sean
Book with care. John McCain, as a former POW, has the right to modify the terms at any time.Re: Mapping McCain's homes
Author: KoS don't get out much if you think one side slings all or most of the mud. Need to diversify your readings. How do we know those are "his" places? They could be all "her" places. KoSRe: Mapping McCain's homes
Author: Sean
Yes, I do expect that he'll try to duck behind his second, much younger, heiress wife -- for whom he dumped his not rich and no longer young, first wife. Good strategy? I don't know ... pass the popcorn!Re: Mapping McCain's homes
Author: carl
Did you all forget we are Capitalists? Since when is makeing money a crime? The other thing is there is no way to tell what happened in the first arriage, they were not married that long, and then the terrible seperation, the POW camp and an accident for the other..who knows how any one of us would react...and who knows what's in a marriage. The fist wife still thinks alot of often does that happen. I'm not saying vote for him for any of these reasons...but you can't use that as a basis not to...not if you are a fair minded person. I think we need to choose on substance...not anything else...and there is no need to hate, just because someone is an opponent. This seems to go against the Dem principals. and no..since Hillary is gone I have not made up my mind...still hoping she's the VP...that would change things.Re: Mapping McCain's homes
Author: Sean
Choose on substance! What, are you from a parallel universe where Gore was elected in 2000? This universe doesn't work like that.Re: Mapping McCain's homes
Author: Sean
KoS, this isn't a toilet for anonymous cowards. I'm exercising my comment policy and deleting your comments.