Feeding Birds Again
Bam! Something just hit the window here. Looking out, I saw this Sharp-shinned Hawk nail a Starling.

I can't decide which feels more liberating: posting amateur bird photos, or writing about electoral politics.
Bam! Something just hit the window here. Looking out, I saw this Sharp-shinned Hawk nail a Starling.
I can't decide which feels more liberating: posting amateur bird photos, or writing about electoral politics.
Re: Feeding Birds Again
Author: Matt Perry
A couple weeks ago I watched a red-tail hawk nab a pigeon in mid-flight. The badly-injured pigeon somehow managed to escape, only to meet it's maker when it slammed into my office window. Apparently witnessing bird slaughter is just part of working in the GIS industry.Re: Feeding Birds Again
Author: steven Citron-Pousty
Down with starlings - death to invasives. Just as an FYI - it is really hard to tell the difference between a Coopers and Sharp-Shinned hawk. They are really close in size especially a female sharp-shinned with a male cooper's. http://www.birds.cornell.edu/pfw/AboutBirdsandFeeding/accipiterIDtable.htmRe: Feeding Birds Again
Author: Sean
My feelings exactly, Steve. I wonder if a Starling's flavor is as bad as its grooming and manners? I've seen this male (you can just barely make out the orange streaks on the belly in my photo) Sharp-shin around the house fairly often. It's a bit more than half the size of the Coopers. I saw a Goshawk while backpacking in Utah's Henry Mountains in 1987, but not one since.