Antialiasing Arrives in MapServer

After a couple late nights by Steve Lime, pretty much any line or polygon outline can now be antialiased in MapServer 4.8-beta3.


Re: Antialiasing Arrives in MapServer

Author: Howard Butler

Any idea how expensive this is going to be?

Re: Antialiasing Arrives in MapServer

Author: Sean Gillies

I definitely want to find out how much this costs. We could check it out by modifying the timing tests under mapscript/python/tests/timing.

Re: Antialiasing Arrives in MapServer

Author: Brian Flood

very cool. I think the cost of rendering is something to look at but the extra cost of file size (pixel bloat) should be considered as well. It shouldn't be that big a deal but the resulting image size will definitely get larger. (note the antialiased Google Maps tiles are GIFs with an optimized palette, certainly something to think about) cheers brian

Re: Antialiasing Arrives in MapServer

Author: Guillaume

I didn't find the method to antialias from mapscript. ANy clue ?