Putting the Discount WFS to Work
Here's a more interesting use of the cheapo WFS from last week: mining the next generation MapServer website's portal membership for the latitude and longitude properties (just added by Hobu) and publishing them as a WFS.
Here's the layer definition for MapServer users who'd like to try it out:
LAYER NAME "members" TYPE POINT STATUS DEFAULT CONNECTIONTYPE WFS CONNECTION "http://sgillies.net:9001/mapserver/members/features.rpy?" METADATA "wfs_service" "WFS" "wfs_typename" "member" "wfs_version" "1.0.0" END LABELITEM "zco:fullname" PROJECTION "+init=epsg:4326" END END
The service root is
and the online resource URL for capabilities is
So far it's just Hobu, Yves, and me:

As other members provide a location, the service will update (every 5 minutes). The picture above will not. I've tried no other clients save uDig, which likes my capabilities, but gags on my feature response. Your mileage may vary.