Python Cartographic Library 0.8 Source Release

It has been longer than I intended, but finally I have cut a 0.8 source release of the Python Cartographic Library: PCL-0.8.tar.gz (release notes -- There are a few new features, but the major work was significant refactoring that will better support future mapping engines. There are some API changes, hence the minor version number increment. This version of PCL is what I've used in the past week's entries. I'll try to have a Windows binary for Python 2.3.x up for download on Monday, and a new ZCO release later next week.

Here are the latest results of the coverage tests for all the fans of

running non-engine tests ...
Ran 112 tests in 0.347s

Name         Stmts   Exec  Cover
data           127    103    81%
__init__         0      0   100%
interfaces      21      0     0%
mapping        105    103    98%
query           52     52   100%
rendering        7      0     0%
spatial        185    176    95%
TOTAL          497    434    87%

running standard engine tests ...
Ran 26 tests in 0.242s

Name       Stmts   Exec  Cover
data          74     69    93%
__init__       0      0   100%
TOTAL         74     69    93%

running mapserver engine tests ...
Ran 64 tests in 2.671s

Name        Stmts   Exec  Cover
data          149    110    73%
__init__        0      0   100%
msbridge       91     60    65%
rendering     460    385    83%
TOTAL         700    555    79%

Not perfect, but not too bad. More on this release over the weekend.

Update: API documentation is now online at